Indo Pacific Journal of Ocean Life <p>Encourages submission of manuscripts dealing with all aspects of maritime and marine resources in estuaries, coastal zones, continental shelf, the seas and oceans, including&nbsp; marine biodiversity and fisheries resources, biochemistry, physiology, behaviour, and genetics of marine life, socio-economic and cultural aspects, conservation and management, as well as biogeochemistry, marine pollution, and climate change.</p> Smujo International en-US Indo Pacific Journal of Ocean Life 2775-1961 Species diversity of mangrove at tree and pole level in Sampang and Pamekasan Districts, Madura Island, Indonesia <p><strong>Abstract. </strong><em>Lathifah MN, Muazulfa TI, Nisa WK, Raharjo YAA, Arta YPA, Setyawan AD.</em> <em>202</em><em>4. Species diversity of mangrove at tree and pole level in Sampang and Pamekasan Districts, Madura Island, Indonesia. Indo Pac J Ocean Life 8: 84-93.</em> Madura Island, Indonesia, located northeast of Java Island, features naturally occurring mangrove vegetation along its coastline. Mangrove forests encompass approximately 75% of the coastlines in tropical and subtropical regions. The diversity of mangrove species needs to be assessed to determine the current situation and provide an evaluation of biodiversity conservation. In this research, the mangrove species diversity at both tree and pole level in the coast of Taddan Village, Sampang District (7°13'7.53"S, 113°16'15.93"E), Song Osong Beach, Sampang District (7°13'19.55"S, 113°12'10.63"E), Branta Tinggi Village, Pamekasan District (7°13'19.53"S, 113°27'12.45"E) and Tlanakan Village, Pamekasan District (7°13'16.24"S, 113°26'11.68"E), Madura Island, East Java, Indonesia were determined. A 150 m long transect plot was established at each station, yielding 40 plots for 4 stations. Abiotic factors, including temperature, salinity, pH, and soil moisture at the study location, were also measured. The Shannon-Wiener Index (H') is used to analyze the species diversity index; Pielou's Evenness and Margalef's Richness index analysis are also calculated in this research. The results indicated that there are 3 species consisting of <em>Rhizophora stylosa, Avicennia marina, </em>and <em>Sonneratia alba. </em>The diversity analysis showed a moderate category (H' range: 1.85-2.56), with the highest values at both tree and pole levels recorded at Song Osong Beach (H' tree: 2.56, H' pole: 2.19). Meanwhile, the lowest value at the tree level was recorded at Taddan Village (H': 1.99), and the pole level is at Branta Tinggi Village (H': 1.85). The Margalef's richness values obtained range from D: 39.34-95.58 (high) at the tree level and D: 13.61-98.00 (high) at the pole level. The results of Pielou's evenness calculations indicate low evenness at all stations (J' tree: 0.05-0.27: J' pole: 0.02-0.48. In an ecosystem with a medium-level diversity index, vegetation can grow with sufficient support but also faces significant threats. In this instance, the threats arise from anthropogenic activities, such as illegal logging and land conversion for aquaculture purposes. The implementation of mangrove maintenance efforts can be achieved through protection and rehabilitation initiatives that collaborate with local governments and engage indigenous communities.</p> MARDHIAH NURUL LATHIFAH TSALATSUN IKHWA MUAZULFA WINDIA KHOIRUN NISA YAQUT AMJAD ADILLAH RAHARJO YUNIA PUTRI ANNISA ARTA AHMAD DWI SETYAWAN Copyright (c) 2024 Indo Pacific Journal of Ocean Life 2024-11-18 2024-11-18 8 2 Review: The nutritional value and health benefits of kawakawa (Euthynnus affinis) <p><strong>Abstract. </strong><em>Rahma HS, Ayuningtyas HR, Nabila I, Annafi DN, Nurwulandari M, Indrawan M, Dadiono MS, MD Naim D, Setyawan AD.</em> <em>202</em><em>4</em><em>. </em><em>Review:</em> <em>The nutritional value and health benefits of </em>kawakawa (Euthynnus affinis)<em>.</em><em> Indo Pac J </em><em>Ocean Life </em><em>8</em><em>: </em><em>72-83</em><em>. Kawakawa</em> (<em>Tuna</em>), or <em>Euthynnus affinis</em> (Cantor, 1849), is a species of pelagic fish of the Scombridae family with a vast habitat and distribution in tropical and subtropical waters in the Indo-Pacific region. This literature review aims to provide an understanding of the habitat, morphological characteristics, nutritional content, and benefits of<em> kawakawa</em> for health<em>. Kawakawa</em> prefer warm waters with a temperature of 20-30°C. As a pelagic fish,<em> kawakawa</em> spends most of its life in the open water column and away from the seabed<em>. Kawakawa</em> morphologically has unique characteristics, namely oblique and curved black stripes on the ribs and the presence of a pattern of black stripes between the abdomen and fins. This fish can grow to a maximum weight of 14 kg and a maximum fork length (FL) of 100 cm. The nutritional content of<em> kawakawa</em> is diverse, and it includes protein, omega-3, omega-6, selenium, vitamin D, and DHA. The protein content of<em> kawakawa</em> ranges from 20 to 25%, with 0.87% fat, which is lower than that of other fish species. With its high protein, low fat, and strong omega-3 fatty acid profile,<em> kawakawa</em> has a high overall nutritional value, making it a nutrient-dense food choice. The nutritional content in<em> kawakawa</em> has health benefits, namely preventing stunting, reducing heart risk, preventing cancer, maintaining eye health, increasing body immunity, preventing anemia, and maintaining bone health.</p> HANIFA SABILA RAHMA HANUM RACHMA AYUNINGTYAS IFFAH NABILA DESTA NAUFAL ANNAFI MURNI NURWULANDARI MUHAMMAD INDRAWAN MUH. SULAIMAN DADIONO DARLINA MD. NAIM AHMAD DWI SETYAWAN Copyright (c) 2024 Indo Pacific Journal of Ocean Life 2024-11-09 2024-11-09 8 2 Diversity and composition of Crustacean and Mollusk in mangrove area in Sampang and Pamekasan Districts, Madura Island, Indonesia <p><strong>Abstract. </strong><em>Haqqi MRA, Sholichah DM, Ashila J, Reza AD,</em> <em>Indrawan M, Dadiono MS, Yap CK, Rahim KABA, Setyawan AD.</em> <em>202</em><em>4. Diversity and composition of Crustacean and Mollusk in mangrove area in Sampang and Pamekasan Districts, Madura Island, Indonesia. Indo Pac J Ocean Life 8: 59-71.</em> Mangrove ecosystem in Indonesia is the largest in the world and contains various biota with a great interest to study. An example of mangrove ecosystems can be found in Sampang and Pamekasan Districts, Madura Island which have a high potential for biodiversity, such as Crustacean and Mollusk. However, information regarding the diversity of Crustaceans and Mollusks in that territory is still very limited. Therefore, this research was conducted to assess the diversity of Crustaceans and Mollusks in the mangrove area of Sampang and Pamekasan Districts. The study was conducted in December 2023 with data collection located at four stations: (i) Taddan, Camplong Sub-district and (ii) Song-Osong Beach, Sampang Sub-district, both in Sampang District; (iii) Branta Tinggi and (iv) Raya Ambat Street both in Tlanakan Sub-district, Pamekasan District. Data on biotic and abiotic environmental parameters was collected and sampling of Crustacean and Mollusk was conducted using Visual Encounter Survey (VES) and direct catching. The results showed that mangrove ecosystem in Sampang and Pamekasan Districts had certain similarities, i.e. both were composed by vegetation of <em>Sonneratia alba</em>, <em>Avicennia marina</em>, <em>Sonneratia caseolaris</em>, and <em>Rhizophora mucronata</em>. The environmental parameters measurement showed that the study area location has warm temperatures, wet soil, neutral pH, and relatively low salinity compared to Madura Strait. There were 32 Crustacean species with the mostly found was <em>Balanus</em> sp. (barnacle), followed by <em>Clibanarius longitarsus</em> (common hermit crab). The number of Mollusks obtained was 24 species with the mostly found was <em>Pirenella alata </em>and <em>Pirenella cingulata</em>. Based on ecological indices calculation, Crustacean on study area location had moderate diversity, high species richness, high evenness or stable community, and indicates no dominant species. While the Mollusk on study area location had moderate diversity, moderate species richness, high evenness or stable community, and indicates no dominant species. Station 3 (Branta Tinggi) had the highest number of Crustacean species, diversity, species richness, and evenness, while Station 4 (Raya Ambat Street) had the highest number of Mollusk species, diversity, species richness, and evenness.</p> MUHAMMAD RAHARDIAN ADILA HAQQI DAMAYANTI MIFTACHUS SHOLICHAH JILAN ASHILA ANGGI DWIKI REZA MUHAMMAD INDRAWAN MUH. SULAIMAN DADIONO CHEE KONG YAP KHAIRUL ADHA BIN A. RAHIM AHMAD DWI SETYAWAN Copyright (c) 2024 Indo Pacific Journal of Ocean Life 2024-11-09 2024-11-09 8 2