Prosiding Seminar Nasional Masyarakat Biodiversitas Indonesia
<p>Menerbitkan naskah bertemakan <em>keanekaragaman hayati</em> pada tumbuhan, hewan dan mikroba, pada tingkat gen, spesies dan ekosistem serta etnobiologi (pemanfaatan). Di samping itu juga menerbitkan naskah dalam ruang lingkup <em>ilmu dan teknologi hayati</em> lainnya, seperti: pertanian dan kehutanan, peternakan, perikanan, biokimia dan farmakologi, biomedis, ekologi dan ilmu lingkungan, genetika dan biologi evolusi, biologi kelautan dan perairan tawar, mikrobiologi, biologi molekuler, fisiologi dan botani.</p>Smujo Internationalen-USProsiding Seminar Nasional Masyarakat Biodiversitas Indonesia2407-8050The utilization of medicinal plants by semi-urban communities in Ngringo Village, Karanganyar, Central Java, Indonesia
<p><strong>Abstrak. </strong><em>Fil’ardiani NU, Agustin YS, Muazulfa TI, Daniswara AP, Dianti, Setyawan AD. </em><em>2024. The utilization of medicinal plants by semi-urban communities in Ngringo Village, Karanganyar, Central Java, Indonesia. Pros Sem Nas Masy Biodiv Indon 10: 1-12. </em>The utilisation of medicinal plants is carried out in a special or limited way, where medicinal plants are a heritage that is passed down from generation to generation. The increasing progress of the times followed by the development of modern culture, it is feared that local wisdom can gradually be taken away from customs, so that it can cause the loss of traditional knowledge owned by the community. In Ngringo Village, Karanganyar, Central Java, the residents still maintain their habits in utilising medicinal plants. Therefore, this study aims to determine the community's knowledge about the types of medicinal plants and their utilisation for healing diseases in Ngringo Village and to have a scientific database of medicinal plant species in the village that have been used and their known benefits. The research was conducted in December 2022 by conducting interviews, questionnaires, and observations to the community in Ngringo Village. The collected data were written in a tally sheet and analysed descriptively and quantitatively by finding the Use Value (UV), Informant Consensus Factor (ICF) and Fidelity Level (FL). The results showed that the community in Ngringo Village utilised 64 species from 34 plant families with the types of plants often used coming from the Zingiberaceae family such as ginger, red ginger, turmeric, galangal, galangal, temulawak, <em>temu kunci</em> and <em>temu giring</em>. Data from respondents in Ngringo Village resulted in the highest UV value of 0.43 from ginger (<em>Zingiber officinale</em>), while the lowest was 0.01 such as onions (<em>Allium cepa</em>), soursop (<em>Annona muricata</em>), <em>belimbing wuluh</em> (<em>Averrhoa bilimbi</em>), and others. The results of the ICF calculation obtained the highest value of 1 found in <em>kitolod</em> (<em>Isotoma longiflora</em>) and the lowest 0.067 found in <em>brambang dayak</em> (<em>Eleutherine bulbosa</em>). While the highest FL value is 100% found in <em>kitolod</em> (<em>I. longiflora</em>), <em>urang-aring</em> (<em>Eclipta prostrata</em>), eucalyptus (<em>Melaleuca leucadendra</em>), <em>bawang lanang</em> (<em>Allium sativum</em>), <em>brotowali</em> (<em>Tinospora cordifolia</em>), and cloves (<em>Syzygium aromaticum</em>) and the lowest is 43% found in ginger (<em>Z. officinale</em>). People in Ngringo Village believe that medicinal plants provide efficacy in treating diseases.</p>NIDA ULHAQ FIL’ARDIANIYONANDA SURYA AGUSTINTSALATSUN IKHWA MUAZULFAAGNAR PRADIPA DANISWARADIANTI DIANTIAHMAD DWI SETYAWAN
Copyright (c) 2024 Prosiding Seminar Nasional Masyarakat Biodiversitas Indonesia
2024-12-302024-12-30101112The diversity of pollinator insects in various habitats in Berjo, Segoro Gunung, and Gumeng Villages, Karanganyar District, Central Java, Indonesia
<p><strong>Abstrak. </strong><em>Permatasari DP, Rahmayani D, Kusuma D, Ainaya FA, Utami AS, Indrawan M, Nazar IA, Setyawan AD. </em><em>2024. The diversity of pollinator insects in various habitats in Berjo, Segoro Gunung, and Gumeng Villages, Karanganyar District, Central Java, Indonesia. Pros Sem Nas Masy Biodiv Indon 10: 12-19. </em>The presence of insects in a place can indicate biodiversity, ecosystem health, and landscape degradation. Insects are found in various habitats, such as agricultural land, forests, mountains, and residential and urban areas. In addition, insects play a major role with 70% of the pollination process carried out by insect pollinators. Insect pollinators play a role in helping the plant reproduction process. The purpose of this study was to analyze the diversity of pollinator insect species in Berjo, Segoro Gunung, and Gumeng Villages, Karanganyar, Central Java. This research was conducted in June 2023 in Berjo Village, Segoro Gunung Village, and Gumeng Villages, Karanganyar District, Central Java, Indonesia. The sampling technique used was purposive random sampling, and the sampling point was determined at the selected location based on the survey results. Sampling was done by making three plots measuring 50×30 m with a distance of 100 m between plots for each research location. Data analysis used in this study used the calculation of the Shannon-Weiner diversity index. Based on the results of the study, 208 individuals of pollinator insects were obtained, with 10 families of pollinator insects found in the research location, namely Calliphoridae, Coccinellidae, Geometridae, Hesperiidae, Lycaenidae, Nymphalidae, Papilionidae, Pieridae, Syrphidae, and Vespidae. The species most commonly found in the three research locations was <em>Ypthima pandocus</em>, with 79 individuals in the three research locations. The most common family found was Nymphalidae, with 87 individuals or about 41.8% of all pollinator insects in the research location. The diversity index in agroforestry and conservation forest habitats shows a value of 1.80 and 1.86 which states that the value of diversity is medium.</p>DINDA PUTRI PERMATASARIDITA RAHMAYANIDIAN KUSUMAFADIA AULIANISSA AINAYAAYU SULISTIYANING UTAMIMUHAMMAD INDRAWANMUHAMMAD INDRAWANAHMAD DWI SETYAWAN
Copyright (c) 2024 Prosiding Seminar Nasional Masyarakat Biodiversitas Indonesia
2024-12-302024-12-301011320First record of Desmopuntius pentazona (Five-Banded Barb) on Bangka Island, Indonesia
<p><strong>Abstra</strong><strong>ct. </strong><em>Muzakki IA, Silvia MP, Andini L, Kurniawan A</em><em>. </em><em>20</em><em>24.</em><em> First record of </em>Desmopuntius pentazona<em> (Five-Banded Barb) on Bangka Island, Indonesia. Pros Sem Nas Masy Biodiv Indon </em><em>10: 21-25</em><em>. </em>Five-Banded Barb (<em>Desmopuntius pentazona</em>) is a species of freshwater ornamental fish found on Bangka Island<em>. </em>Five-Banded Barb is still little known to the public because of its shape and color that is almost the same as some species of fish namely <em>Puntius tetrazona, Puntius binotatus</em>, and <em>Desmopuntius hexazona</em>. The sampling of Five-Banded Barb was carried out from September to October 2023 in the Kelumbi Dusun waters, Kelumbi village, Tempilang Sub-district, Bangka West District, Bangka Belitung Islands Province, Indonesia. <em>Desmopuntius pentazona</em> is commonly found in black-water waters in Southeast Asia and is a fish found living in groups in the wild. <em>Desmopuntius pentazona</em> can grow up to 6 cm in length. The body is silver with five black lines horizontally along its sides. <em>Desmopuntius pentazona</em> has a slim body shape, as is typical of most cyprinid fish. The backrests are located on the back of the fish and are usually black, the rectum is located at the bottom and also black, and the lymphatic chest, while the tail is branched in two. The spread of <em>D. pentazona</em> has recently been recorded in Malaysia, Vietnam, Cambodia, and Kalimantan, as well as for the first time on the island of Bangka, Bangka Belitung Islands.</p>ILHAM ALIFANDA MUZAKKIMARSHANDA PUTRI SILVIALARA ANDINIARDIANSYAH KURNIAWAN
Copyright (c) 2024 Prosiding Seminar Nasional Masyarakat Biodiversitas Indonesia
2024-12-302024-12-301012125Surface water quality at different land use in the Welang Hulu River Basin, East Java, Indonesia
<p><strong>Abstra</strong><strong>k. </strong><em>Cahyani NW, Putri AA, Irawanto R. 20</em><em>24.</em><em> Surface water quality at different land use in the Welang Hulu River Basin, East Java, Indonesia</em><em>.</em><em> Pros Sem Nas Masy Biodiv Indon </em><em>10: 26-31</em><em>.</em> Water is a natural resource needed by all living things. The need for clean water is very important for human life and it is important to plan a clean water supply system that is well managed. Water in circulation and distribution is very easily contaminated with chemicals or other substances through environmental pollution. Pollution and decline in water quality are closely related to population density. The Welang Hulu Watershed is part of a natural system that is useful in providing water for the surrounding area. Increased human activity in the Upper Welang Watershed can cause rivers to become vulnerable to water pollution, thereby causing a decline in environmental quality. Therefore, this research was carried out to determine the quality of water in the Welang Hulu watershed. The research was conducted in March-July 2023 in the Upper Welang Watershed. Water sampling was divided into 12 different location points representing land use areas of forest, gardens, moorland, rice fields, residential areas, and industry and was carried out in 3 sub-districts including the Welang Hulu watershed, namely Lawang, Purwodadi, and Purwosari, East Java. This research uses a purposive random sampling method and descriptive analysis. Measurements were carried out by looking at environmental parameters in the form of sunlight intensity, humidity and air temperature, as well as river water quality parameters such as water temperature, pH, TDS and 14 other chemical parameters. Based on the research results, it shows that in the Upper Welang Watershed, Chlorine (Cl), Bromine (Br), Lead (Pb), Nitrate (NO<sub>3</sub><sup>-</sup>), Nitrite (NO<sub>2</sub><sup>-</sup>), Fluoride (F<sup>-</sup>), and Carbonate (CO<sub>3</sub><sup>2-</sup>) were found.</p> <p style="text-align: justify; margin: 12.0pt 0in 0in 0in;"><span style="font-size: 9.0pt; color: black;"> </span></p>NADILA WULAN CAHYANIANGGRAINI AURINA PUTRIRONY IRAWANTO
Copyright (c) 2024 Prosiding Seminar Nasional Masyarakat Biodiversitas Indonesia
2024-12-302024-12-301012631Estimation of current and future distribution of Ruellia tuberosa in Java and Madura Island, Indonesia
<p><strong>Abstract. </strong><em>Santika YE, Wardha'adlina WA, Arta YPA, Maheswara VD, Wiraatmaja MF, Setyawan AD. </em><em>2024. Estimation of current and future distribution of </em>Ruellia tuberosa<em> in Java and Madura Island, Indonesia. Pros Sem Nas Masy Biodiv Indon </em><em>10: 32-44. Ruellia tuberosa</em> L. or Blue-bell originates from Central America. This plant spreads to Southeast Asia and grows in dry, hot, tropical, and subtropical areas, fast in humid and shady areas, and 150 meters above sea level (masl). <em>Ruellia tuberosa</em> is identified as an invasive plant that can disrupt local ecosystems. The distribution must be known to determine priority management to reduce the impact. This study aims to determine the current distribution of <em>R. tuberosa</em> and its estimated future distribution in Java and Madura Island, Indonesia using Maximum Entropy (MaxEnt) software. Therefore, 21 parameters in this modeling consisted of 19 Bioclimatic Variables, Elevation, and Solar Radiation. RCP scenarios 2.6 and 8.5 were used in this study to predict the future spread of <em>R. tuberosa. </em>Sample points were obtained from two data sources, the Global Biodiversity Information Facility (GBIF) and direct observation. The results of distribution modeling using MaxEnt showed an AUC value of 0.959. This value indicates that the modeling results using MaxEnt have better performance than the random method. Modeling the growth distribution of <em>R. tuberosa</em> plants in 2030, 2050, and 2080 shows a significant decrease in the distribution of these plants from year to year because there was significant climate change in that year, which was caused by an increase in CO<sub>2</sub> levels, which led to global climate change, thus affecting the growth of invasive plants. The main parameter that predominantly influences the spread of <em>R. tuberosa</em> is BIO 9 (Mean Temperature of Driest Quarter). This needs to be of concern to environmental managers, because this plant is classified as an invasive species.</p>YOUHANA ELI SANTIKAWIAN AYU WARDHA'ADLINAYUNIA PUTRI ANNISA ARTAVINCENTIUS DIAZ MAHESWARAMUHAMMAD FIRDAUS WIRAATMAJAAHMAD DWI SETYAWAN
Copyright (c) 2024 Prosiding Seminar Nasional Masyarakat Biodiversitas Indonesia
2024-12-302024-12-301013244Invasive alien plants on the northern slopes of Mount Merapi National Park (MMNP), Central Java, Indonesia
<p><strong>Abstr</strong><strong>act</strong><strong>. </strong><em>Fadhilah RN, Foresty RS, Fatin SK, Wela SMD, Izdihar RS, Setyawan AD</em><em>. </em><em>20</em><em>24.</em> <em>Invasive alien plants on the northern slopes of Mount Merapi National Park (MMNP), Central Java, Indonesia. Pros Sem Nas Masy Biodiv Indon </em><em>10</em><em>: 45-53</em>. Biodiversity is the variability among living organisms, including terrestrial, marine, and other aquatic ecosystems, and the ecological complexes of which these organisms are part. One of the big challenges to biodiversity sustainability is the emergence of invasive alien species, namely organisms originating from an ecosystem that enter a new ecosystem outside its natural habitat, which can threaten the existence of native species in it. This research aims to identify species of invasive alien species spreading in the Mount Merapi National Park (MMNP) area, especially on the northern slopes in Samiran Village, Selo Sub-district, Boyolali District, Central Java, Indonesia. The research was carried out from November to December 2023 on the northern slopes of MMNP using the exploratory method, a research method carried out by exploring the entire research area. This research found that data on invasive alien species amount to 28 invasive alien species, 17 families, and 3 habitus. The most commonly found family is Asteraceae with 6 species. Oxalidaceae, Euphorbiaceae, Fabaceae, Poaceae, Polygonaceae, and Solanaceae family have 2 species each. Araceae, Cannabaceae, Commelinaceae, Convolvulaceae, Eupatoriceae, Mimosaceae, Lamiaceae, Piperaceae, Polygalaceae, and Rubiaceae family each have 1 species. Two invasive alien species, namely <em>Acacia decurrens</em> (Wendl.) Willd and <em>Leucaena leucocephala</em> (Lam.) de Wit. need to be watched out for because their growth can threaten the success of restoration of native plants.</p>RIRIN NUR FADHILAHRISMA SALSABILA FORESTYSALMA KAMILIYA FATINSYAHITA MARTHA DE WELARINOA SALSABILA IZDIHAR AHMAD DWI SETYAWAN
Copyright (c) 2024 Prosiding Seminar Nasional Masyarakat Biodiversitas Indonesia
2024-12-302024-12-301014553Mangrove cover change between 2003 and 2023 on the east coast of South Sumatera Province, Indonesia
<p><strong>Abstract. </strong><em>Koesdaryanto NS, Wijayanti M, Simanjuntak MPD, Fathoni MFM, Wiraatmaja MF, Setyawan AD</em><em>. </em><em>20</em><em>24.</em><em> Mangrove cover change between 2003 and 2023 on the east coast of South Sumatera Province, Indonesia. Pros Sem Nas Masy Biodiv Indon </em><em>10</em><em>: 54-60</em><em>.</em> Mangrove forests are one of the ecosystems that function to protect coastal areas from various disturbances. Mangroves also have social, economic, and cultural functions for coastal communities. Mangroves on South Sumatra, Indonesia's east coast, provide various environmental services for humans and animals. Therefore, efforts are needed to monitor the extent of mangroves to ensure their sustainability. Satellite imagery, such as Landsat, has been commonly used to monitor mangrove extent. This study aims to temporarily determine changes in mangrove land area between 2003 and 2023. Changes in mangrove land area were analyzed based on Landsat 7, 8, and 9 satellite image data. The satellite images were classified by supervised classification using the maximum likelihood method in three land classes mangroves, ponds, and water bodies. The results of mangrove cover analysis on the east coast of South Sumatra found that the area of mangroves in 2003, 2013, and 2023 reached 115,072, 118,674, and 97,332 ha. The mangrove area increased by 3,601.47 ha (+3.13%) in 2003-2013 and decreased by 21,342 ha (-17.98%) in 2013-2023. The community's economic needs cause a decrease in the mangrove areas, which are converted into ponds. Mangrove conservation and rehabilitation must continue to be carried out to maintain its environmental benefits.</p>NILAM SARIRAMADHANI KOESDARYANTOMUTIARA WIJAYANTIMARIO PINTOR DAVID SIMANJUNTAKMUHAMMAD FAQIH MUHAIMIN FATHONIMUHAMMAD FIRDAUS WIRAATMAJAAHMAD DWI SETYAWAN
Copyright (c) 2024 Prosiding Seminar Nasional Masyarakat Biodiversitas Indonesia
2024-12-302024-12-301015460Coconut manna: Conservation effort and its obtacles in South Bengkulu District, Indonesia
<p><strong>Abstract.</strong> <em>Rosbarnawan F, Harwindah, Rosmanah S, Ishak A, Firison J, Yahumri, Alfayanti, Rahman T, Putra WE, Fauzi E</em><em>. </em><em>20</em><em>24.</em><em> Coconut manna: Conservation effort and its obtacles in South Bengkulu District, Indonesia. Pros Sem Nas Masy Biodiv Indon </em><em>10: 61-64.</em> Coconut manna is one of the genetic resources owned by the South Bengkulu District Government that is important to preserve. This plant has been conserved by the community for generations, but the tendency of decreasing planting area indicates the weakening of in-situ conservation efforts of coconut manna. This study aims to determine the factors causing the weakening of in-situ conservation efforts of coconut manna. The study was conducted in Pino and Manna Sub-districts, South Bengkulu District from April to May 2022. Primary data collection was carried out through in-depth interviews with key informants and field observations. Secondary data used were obtained from the results of a desk study. The data collected were in the form of coconut manna morphology, planting area, in-situ conservation efforts, and factors causing the weakening of in-situ conservation. Data analysis was carried out descriptively with an interactive model. The results of the study showed that coconut manna is no longer cultivated by the community and its planting area tends to decrease. Coconut manna is not economical because its production has decreased, coconut manna is no longer optimal because it is old and the price factor of coconut fruit is felt to no longer provide benefits.</p>FERDY ROSBARNAWANHARWINDAH HARWINDAHSITI ROSMANAHANDI ISHAKJHON FIRISONYAHUMRI YAHUMRIALFAYANTI ALFAYANTITAUFIK RAHMANWAWAN EKA PUTRAEMLAN FAUZI
Copyright (c) 2024 Prosiding Seminar Nasional Masyarakat Biodiversitas Indonesia