Effect of phytase and citric acid supplementation in the feed quality of laying hen




Abstract. Nuningtyas YF, Huda AN, Marjuki, Ulfah SN. 2022. Effect of phytase and citric acid supplementation in the feed quality of laying hen. Asian J Agric 6: 55-60. This study aims to determine and evaluate the combination of phytase and high dosage of citric acid on the feed quality based on seeds. This study used data experimental at Brawijaya University, Malang, Indonesia, with five treatments and four replications. This research analyzes the nutritional feed content in vitro digestibility and phosphorus content in concentrate. The result of the study was a basal feed of laying hens followed by a dry matter of 90.63%, organic matter of 81.92%, crude protein of 16.44%, crude fiber of 4.34%, and fat of 7.49%. The basal laying hen feed without adding phytase enzyme and citric acid had a relatively low phosphorus content of 0.43%. It would be limited due to the absence of phytic acid breakdown assistance from the phytase enzyme. The nutrient phosphorus content in the residual feed digestibility is sequent T0 2.2431%, T1 2.7809%, T2 1.6225%, T3 2.0717%, and T4 2.7199%, with T4 for the higher value and the lowest in T2. The addition of the phytase enzyme and citric acid to animal feed for laying hens with various levels has a significant difference (P<0.01) when viewed at the end of the digestibility of phosphor. However, the T2 laying hens feed with the addition of 2% phytase enzyme + 2% citric acid had the lowest phosphorus content in residue feed digestibility in vitro. Therefore, further research should be carried out in-vivo testing, especially on laying hens, to determine the effectiveness of the added enzymes by using the in-vivo test and the amount of phosphorus.



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