The role of plant parasitic nematodes on productivity reduction of banana and tomato in East Kalimantan, Indonesia
Abstract. Suyadi, Rosfiansyah. 2017. The role of plant-parasitic nematodes on productivity reduction of banana and tomato in East Kalimantan, Indonesia. Asian J Agric 1: 40-45. Plant-parasitic nematodes are one of the most limiting factors of agricultural ecosystem productivity in East Kalimantan. But their occurrence in agricultural fields as a crop’s pest is generally undistinguished, due to their microscopic size and their existence being wrapped in the roots or soil particles. However, plant-parasitic nematodes might cause yield loss of up to 75%, without showing any disease symptoms on crop morphologically. Both perennial crops and annual crops under intensive cultivation usually experience high yield loss due to plant-parasitic nematodes if crop protection management was not implemented properly. This research aimed to determine the role of plant-parasitic nematodes in reducing crop productivity in East Kalimantan, in relation to agricultural practices implemented by farmers. Descriptive research and comparative analyses were implemented to determine the role of plant-parasitic nematodes on yield reduction of banana and tomato as the indicator of productivity. Based on the field observation related to pest management in East Kalimantan, it was determined that plant-parasitic nematode existence was neglected by farmers and no significant effort was implemented to control plant-parasitic nematodes population. Therefore, low productivity of agricultural ecosystem in East Kalimantan was reported by Statistical Office. This was not only caused by soil fertility problems, but in some crops, it was also the impact of population outbreak of plant-parasitic nematodes. The first ranking three genera of plant parasite nematodes observed in East Kalimantan were Meloidogyne, Radhopholus, and Rotylenchulus, respectively. Meloidogyne and Rotylenchulus were major pests on vegetables and caused a yield loss of >50% on tomato. While genus of Radhopholus was the major pest on banana and caused a yield loss of >75% on banana.