Potential of Pseudomonas stutzeri strains isolated from rhizospheric soil endowed with antifungal activities against phytopathogenic fungus Stemphylium botryosum




Abstract. Mokrani S, Bejaoui B, Belabid L, Nabti E. 2019. Potential of Pseudomonas stutzeri strains isolated from rhizospheric soil endowed with antifungal activities against phytopathogenic fungus Stemphylium botryosum. Asian J Agric 3: 47-54. In this study, two Pseudomonas strains P4 and P5 were isolated from rhizospheric soil and characterized for PGP (Plant Growth Promoting) traits production like HCN (hydrogen cyanide), siderophores and IAA (Indole Acetic Acid). A phylogenic tree based on 16S DNAr identification-related the two strains P4 and P5 to Pseudomonas stutzeri NR 116489 and NR 113652.1. One phytopathogenic fungus St-bt (Stemphylium botryosum) was isolated from Phaseolus vulgaris L. Macroscopic and microscopic identification attributed it to the genus Stemphylium. Antifungal activities of the two Pseudomonas strains P4 and P5 against fungus isolate St-bt had revealed very highly significant inhibition percentages of 38.46± 3.85% and 56.56± 2.22% for each strain, respectively.



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