Perception and application of zootherapy for the management of cattle diseases occurred in northern laterite region of West Bengal, India




Abstract. Mandal SK, Rahaman CH. 2022. Perception and application of zootherapy for the management of cattle diseases occurred in northern laterite region of West Bengal, India. Asian J Ethnobiol 5: 12-19. The present study aims to invent the glory of traditional knowledge about zootherapy for livestock diseases in the northern laterite region of West Bengal, India. Semi-structured and open interviews were taken for data collection. Data were analyzed with statistical indices like use mention factor (UM) and use value index (UV). A total of 21 zoological specimens have been recorded. Mammals are the most common species (8 species) used in this region for livestock health care. It has been found that in 57% of cases, endo- & exoskeletal structures like bone, feather, horn, scale, shell, beak, teeth, etc., are used as ethnoveterinary medicine. Four species have been identified as the most frequently used species in the region are Coracias benghalensis (Linnaeus, 1758) (UM=16; UV=0.12), Herpestes javanicus palustris (Ghose, 1965) (UM=12; UV=0.09), Varanus bengalensis (Daudin, 1802) (UM=11; UV=0.08) and Lamellidens marginalis (Lamarck, 1819) (UM=11; UV=0.08). Among the recorded species, more than 50% are enlisted in the IUCN Red List. The present study provides baseline information regarding the depth of ethnozoological knowledge and its current status in the studied area, which will further help frame some conservation strategies for the medicinally important and threatened animal species.



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