Species diversity of socio-economic importance in the Kebe Block Forest, Cameroon: Local perceptions and conservation implications




Abstract. Inimbock SL, Chimi CD, Ngomeni AF, Enamba CY, Pouomogne YG, Caspa RG, Tsemo DC, Ngueguim EC, Yonga G, Noutanewo P, Misse CA, Mala WA. 2023. Species diversity of socio-economic importance in the Kebe Block Forest, Cameroon: Local perceptions and conservation implications. Asian J Ethnobiol 6: 155-162. Forest areas dedicated to research and education, such as the Kebe Block Forest (KBF), Cameroon, have a high plant diversity, some of which are of socio-economic importance to local populations. Knowing that the objectives of the KBF are well defined, this study aimed to identify forest plant species of socio-economic importance to the local populations living around the KBF. Also, this study aimed to propose strategies that reconcile the local population's well-being and the preservation of the KBF. Given the high dependence of local communities on the forest, a socio-economic survey was carried out in 51 households. Therefore, 40 species of socio-economic importance were found, and six products and services, namely food, medicinal products, raw materials for handicrafts, edible caterpillar species, timber, and income generating, were identified. For 86% of the local people, the availability of these plant species has decreased significantly compared to 10 years ago; the main causes identified were illegal logging (32%) and agriculture (21%). According to occurrence frequency citation, Baillonella toxisperma Pierre (65%), Irvingia gabonensis (Aubry-Lecomte ex O'Rorke) Baill. (38%), and Ricinodendron heudelotii (Baill.) Heckel (30%) were identified as the flagship socio-economic plant species that local people would like to introduce into their farms to ensure their sustainability. Identifying plant species of socio-economic importance, their availability, and their threats provides substantial information that could help the authorities manage the KBF to plan conservation activities better, considering the local population's well-being.



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