Assessing social capital in community forest management in Kalibawang Sub-district, Wonosobo District, Central Java, Indonesia




Abstract. Herdananta BY, Ibriza NM, Wardha’adlina WA, Sulton MN, Sugiyarto, Budiharta S, Setyawan AD. 2024. Assessing social capital in community forest management in Kalibawang Sub-district, Wonosobo District, Central Java, Indonesia. Asian J Ethnobiol 7: 50-60. Community-based Forest Management (CFM) offers more effective protection of forest resources with a decentralized approach to ownership and management, as well as the establishment of autonomous local institutions that provide adequate incentives for the parties involved. The community manages natural resources through mutual use agreements, which lead to the concept of social capital as a solution to overcome collective problems. The study aims to evaluate the state of social capital in community forest management in Kalibawang Sub-district, Wonosobo, Central Java, Indonesia and identify the determinants that influence it as recommendations for improvement to policymakers. Data collection was conducted in March 2024 with research methods included interviews, surveys with questionnaires based on The Social Capital Assessment Tool (SCAT) and the Social Capital Integrated Questionnaire (SC-IQ) and Focus Group Discussion (FGD) discussions with local communities. The results showed that social capital in the studied area was significantly influenced by various variables, such as the role of forest farmer groups, access to information, community knowledge, non-formal education, and forestry extension activities. Consequently, the average level of social capital is obtained at 36.91 with a moderate category. Additionally, the analysis of concern community reveals a high classification, with an average score of 8.39. Increased social capital can be reflected in a higher density and diversity of social ties, as well as greater access to resources and stronger trust among group members. The recommendations of this study emphasize the importance of government in encouraging community participation in CFM management, reducing mistrust and conflict with government agencies, and strengthening social capital essential for sustainable forest management.



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