Local knowledge of Karangwangi People of Cianjur District, West Java, Indonesia on water pollution of the Cikawung River
Abstract. Primadiani D, Iskandar J, Sunardi. 2018. Local knowledge of Karangwangi People of Cianjur District, West Java, Indonesia on water pollution of the Cikawung River. Asian J Ethnobiol 1: 9-14. In the past, village people of Karangwangi, Cianjur District, West Java Province did not face any water supply problem, including supply from the Cikawung River. Of late, however, they are experiencing problems with water sources, particularly water supply from the Cikawung River. Since pesticides have been intensively used in the local agroecosystems, such as irrigated rice fields and monoculture vegetable gardens, the Cikawung river water is polluted. In addition, the consequences of an increase in the conversion of forests and traditional mixed-gardens into agricultural and settlement areas have dramatically affected hydrological balances. On this background, this research was carried out to elucidate the local knowledge of the Karangwangi people on the status of pollution of water of the Cikwaung river. This research used a mix of qualitative and quantitative methods with descriptive qualitative analysis. The qualitative data collection technique used was in-depth interviews with informants chosen purposely with snowball sampling. The quantitative data collection technique was interviews with respondents using questionnaires and measurement of physical, chemical and biology parameters of Cikawung River water. Results of this research confirm that village people of Karangwangi have considerable local knowledge on water categorization, pollution, and pollution indicators of the Cikawung River
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