Importance of indigenous communities’ knowledge and perception in achieving biodiversity conservation: A case study from Manobo tribe of Southern Mindanao, Philippines
Abstract. Salvaña FRP, Arnibal SLT. 2019. Importance of indigenous communities’ knowledge and perception in achieving biodiversity conservation: A case study from Manobo tribe of Southern Mindanao, Philippines. Asian J Ethnobiol 2: 84-91. Indigenous communities play a relevant role in setting biodiversity management and conservation. This study aims to determine the knowledge and perceived importance of the Manobo tribe toward biodiversity. A total of 100 Manobos were included in the study to assess indigenous communities' ability and perception, particularly the Manobo tribe towards biodiversity. A semi-structured survey questionnaire was used to determine responses on knowledge and importance perception/ Our study found a consistent significant difference in the mean responses on knowledge and perception across gender and education attainment. Interestingly, traditional knowledge is significantly associated with the biodiversity importance perception of Manobos. Our findings suggest involving indigenous communities is equally important in achieving balanced biodiversity conservation and protection. Thus, strengthening collaborations among local government sectors and community leaders must develop conservation priorities and protection.
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