Ethnobotany of food plant used by Sundanese Ethnic in Nyangkewok Hamlet, Kalaparea Village, Sukabumi District, Indonesia




Abstract. Cita KD. 2020.Ethnobotany of food plant used by Sundanese Ethnic in Nyangkewok Hamlet, Kalaparea Village, Sukabumi District, Indonesia. Asian J Ethnobiol 3: 16-22. Food insecurity is an important threat in West Java Province. Ethnobotany in Food Plant of Sundanese Ethnic can be an alternative to a food crisis. In this study, we looked for insights on how Sundanese Ethnic inhabiting around the Gede Mountain, Nyangkewok Village, interact with their environments and how they use ecological knowledge on plants for their existence. This study used the exploration and in-depth interview method with 30 respondents from March until June 2019 and analyzed with the Cultural Food Cultivated Significant Index. This study recorded 101 species of valuable plants, 48 families, dominated by Cucurbitaceae. The highest Cultural Food Cultivated Index is pare (Oryza sativa). Sundanese Ethnic living in the Nyangkewok Village has been undergoing extreme changes in both social and ecological conditions. This study recommends conservation plans that include traditional environmental knowledge, plant monitoring, and participation with Nyangkewok communities.



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