Utilization of mangrove plants as a source of Malaria medicine in North Maluku Province, Indonesia




Abstract. Tamalene MN, Sen UK, Bhakat RK, Vianti E, Bahtiar, Suparman. 2021. Utilization of mangrove plant species as medicine against malaria in North Maluku Province, Indonesia. Asian J Ethnobiol 4: 86-92. Local communities have still used plants as a source of medicine since immemorial time. Most local communities mix the plants to treat various diseases, including malaria. Almost half of 250 million of Indonesia’s population lives in malaria-endemic areas, and about 15 million people look for clinical malaria treatment every year. This research aims to survey mangrove plants as a source of Malaria medicine utilized by six ethnic groups of North Maluku Province, Indonesia. Data were collected from 98 informants on the local names of the used species, the parts, and the "modes of preparation.” The Fidelity Level serves to find out various outcomes. Six mangrove plant species, Lumnitzera littorea, Rhizophora mucronata, Scyphiphora hydrophyllacea, Sonneratia alba, Xylocarpus granatum, and Xylocarpus moluccensis, are used as malaria medicine. The traditional treatment that used mangrove rinds, barks, fruits, and flowers was a popular method practiced in the community social life. The mangrove plants have cultural, ecological, and economic values; Authors suggest that further investigations be undertaken on the pharmacological properties and level of toxicity of potion made using mangrove plant species. This will lead to stating scientific information related to the safety of consuming traditional medicines.



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