Contribution of deadwood and forest soil to carbon sequestration in Chitwan National Park, Nepal




Abstract. Lamichhane U, Ghimire P. 2024. Contribution of deadwood and forest soil to carbon sequestration in Chitwan National Park, Nepal. Asian J For 8: 158-164. Deadwood and forest soil are essential components of forest ecosystems, significantly contributing to carbon (C) sequestration and climate change mitigation. This study evaluated the condition of deadwood in Chitwan National Park (CNP) and assessed the carbon sequestration potential of both deadwood and forest soil. Using the line transect method, we assessed standing and fallen deadwood, along with soil analysis. Soil samples were collected by incremental depth (0-15 and 16-30 cm). Deadwood classes were categorized into three density classes—sound, intermediate, and rotten—based on wood hardness. The study found that the total volume and biomass of deadwood were 24.66 m³ ha?¹ and 12.84 t ha?¹, respectively, with a total carbon stock of 6.43 t ha?¹. Carbon stock was primarily concentrated in the intermediate class for both standing (40.57%) and fallen deadwood (43.01%). A significant difference was found between total carbon stocks in standing and fallen deadwood (p<0.003) in CNP forest. Total soil organic carbon (SOC) in CNP was measured at 69.64 t ha?¹ up to a 30 cm soil depth. An independent t-test revealed a significant difference in average SOC between the two soil layers (p<0.001). Thus, the development and implementation of regional plans for deadwood management are necessary in Chitwan National Park.



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