Inclusivity in decentralized forest management and its effects on economic resilience and nature sustainability in East Central Tanzania




Abstract. Ngowi NJ. 2024. Inclusivity in decentralized forest management and its effects on economic resilience and nature sustainability in East Central Tanzania. Asian J For 8: 165-173. Inclusivity plays a crucial role in engaging all members of society in efforts to reduce risks to their welfare while maximizing the environmental sustainability of natural resources. However, decentralized forest management systems often fail to demonstrate well the connection between inclusivity and balanced decision-making, especially when it comes to evaluating the state of environmental sustainability and the well-being of local communities. This study sought to bridge this gap by examining the effects of inclusivity on economic resilience and nature sustainability in decentralized Ihombwe forest in east-central Tanzania (ECT) over the period from 2021 to 2022. A combination of qualitative and quantitative approaches was employed, including a household survey of 56 carefully chosen families, focus group discussions, and document analysis, to gain a deeper understanding of inclusivity, economic welfare, and sustainability within the Ihombwe forest in ECT, as well as the key driving factors. The results showed a steady decline in the benefits of increased access to forest resources; this did not translate into improved outcomes for the community’s welfare or the forest's environmental sustainability. These findings reveal a complex relationship where inclusivity and access alone might not be enough to encourage sustainable development. However, they offer theoretical insights and policy recommendations aimed at fostering greater inclusivity in decentralized forest management frameworks to improve both forest conservation and the welfare of local populations in the ECT.



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