Relationships of tree height-diameter at breast height (DBH) and crown diameter-DBH of Acacia auriculiformis plantation




Abstract. Dey T, Ahmed S, Islam MA. 2021. Relationships of tree height-diameter at breast height (DBH) and crown diameter-DBH of Acacia auriculiformis plantation. Asian J For 5: 71-75. Measuring the height and crown diameter in the field is time-consuming and needs more logistical efforts. Thus, in this study, we have focused on evaluating the relationship between height and crown diameter with commonly and less effortlessly measured parameters such as diameter at breast height (DBH) to reduce the inventory costs and time by using these models. Different correlation-regression models for predicting tree height and crown diameter from DBH were developed for Acacia auriculiformis species at Char Kukri-Mukri Island in the Bhola district of Bangladesh. To achieve the goal, DBH, total height, and crown diameter of each tree were recorded. Coefficient of determination (R2) and p-value was used for evaluating the models. The correlation coefficients between DBH and height and between DBH and crown diameter showed positive and significant relationships. The calculated p-value and R2 value between DBH and height and between DBH and crown diameter in the correlation-regression analysis revealed that linear regression models were best fitted in both cases. The study concluded that the tree height could be estimated by the mean of DBH and vice versa, as well as crown diameter could be estimated by the mean of DBH and vice versa.



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