Paludicola turfosa (Batrachospermales, Rhodophyta), a new record from Sebangau National Park, Central Kalimantan, Indonesia




Abstract. Adam C, Segah H, Kawamura K, Pitoyo D, Adiwijaya S, Damanik Z, Sustiyah, Pidjath C, Rafsanjani MA. 2023. Paludicola turfosa (Batrachospermales, Rhodophyta), a new record from Sebangau National Park, Central Kalimantan, Indonesia. Intl J Bonorowo Wetlands 13: 66-72. Paludicola is a genus of red algae that inhabits freshwater environments. Based on initial observations, this genus was found in peat waters associated with the Rasau plant (Pandanus helicopus Kurz ex Miq.) in the peat swamp forest, Sebangau National Park. Of the many studies related to biodiversity in Sebangau National Park, none have reported the presence and description of algae, including members of the freshwater red algae Paludicola. The current status of red algae diversity in Indonesia has mostly been reported from marine ecosystems with only two species of freshwater red algae known from Indonesia. In this study, we report the preliminary description of the freshwater red algae Paludicola turfosa (Bory) M.L.Vis & Necchi, previously known as Batrachospermum turfosum Bory de Saint-Vincent from the peat water of Sebangau River, Sebangau National Park, as a new record for Indonesia. The P. turfosa was mainly found attached to the leaves of Rasau (P. helicopus) forming hair-like tufts representing its filamentous appearance. The descriptions include the recently updated taxonomy, general ecological macroscopic characteristics, and microscopic appearance of this algae.


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