Invasive and non-invasive macro aquatic plants in the Upper Bengawan Solo River, Indonesia




Abstract. Pramono CL, Alyodya DA, Restuti EJ, Meilani F, Sholiqin M, Yap CK, Setyawan AD. 2024. Invasive and non-invasive macro aquatic plants in the Upper Bengawan Solo River, Indonesia. Intl J Bonorowo Wetlands 14: 37-48. Macrophytes or aquatic plants are plants that have habitats in water. The uncontrolled growth of macrophytes causes the invasion of alien plant species in the Bengawan Solo River, Indonesia. This study aimed to identify the diversity of invasive and non-invasive macrophytes in the upstream, midstream and downstream of Bengawan Solo River. The methods used were a combination of cruising survey and purposive sampling using line transects. Vegetation data was collected in December 2023 and subject to the analysis of the Shannon-Wiener Species Diversity Index, Simpson Diversity Index, Evenness Index, and Margalef Species Richness Index. The results showed there were 23 macrophyte species with 2,391 individuals spread across three observation stations. There were two types of growth, i.e., free-floating and emergent growth, and they were divided into aquatic and semi-aquatic species. There were 17 invasive plant species, with the most common being Eichhornia crassipes, and 6 non-invasive species, with the most common being Digitaria nuda. Based on the results of the vegetation analysis, invasive plants had an index of 2.11 (medium), and non-invasive plants had a 0.82 (low). The total Simpson Diversity Index was 0.74 (high), with invasive plants at 0.73 (high) and non-invasive plants at 0.73 (high). The total Evenness Index was 0.69 (high), with invasive plants at 0.74 (high) and non-invasive at 0.46 (medium). The total Margalef Species Richness Index was 1.69 (low), with invasive plants at 1.30 (low) and non-invasive at 0.76 (low). The uncontrolled growth of invasive macrophytes can lead to reduced integrity of the aquatic ecosystem. Thus, invasive alien species must be managed with effective strategies to control their growth.


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