Lipid profiles, hematological parameters and histopathological analysis of CCl4-intoxicated wistar albino rats treated with n-butanol extract of Ficus glumosa leaves
Abstract. Abu MS, Yakubu OE, Onuche JI, Okpe O. 2022. Lipid profiles, hematological parameters and histopathological analysis of CCl4-intoxicated wistar albino rats treated with n-butanol extract of Ficus glumosa leaves. Cell Biol Dev 6: 6-12. This research critically assessed the effect of the n-butanol fraction of methanol extract of Ficus glumosa Delile leaves on serum lipid profile, hematological parameters, and some organ architecture of experimental albino rats intoxicated with carbon tetrachloride. The crude methanol extract was re-dissolved in 300 mL of distilled water and repeatedly partitioned in a separating funnel with 400 mL of n-hexane with vigorous shaking. This process was repeated using other solvents (ethyl acetate, n-butanol, and distilled water), and the n-butanol was selected based on antioxidant potency. A total of 35 albino rats were used. The rats were divided into 7 groups of 5 animals each. Lipid profile, hematological indices, and histopathological analysis were carried out. With the administration of the extract, triacylglycerol and total cholesterol levels in the Carbon tetrachloride-induced but treated rats were significantly (P<0.05) reduced compared to the normal levels, 1.84±0.27 mmol/L, and 0.54±0.11 mmol/L, respectively. In contrast, high-density lipoprotein was relatively increased compared to the normal level, 1.44±0.43 mg/dL. Similarly, packed cell volume, hemoglobin, and white blood cell levels were significantly (P<0.05) reversed to near normal in the extract-treated rats. On the other hand, the histopathological examinations of a liver section of the normal control group showed normal hepatocellular architecture with distinct hepatic cells with a well-conserved central vein. Carbo tetrachloride-induced control group liver showed intense hepatic necrosis with vascular congestion, kupffer cells hyperplasia, vacuolation, and degeneration of normal hepatic cells (hepatic necrosis). However, the induced but treated groups almost normalized the hepatic cells (moderate hepatic necrosis). The findings showed that the n-butanol fraction of F. glumosa could reverse the deleterious effects of CCl4 on lipid profile and hematological parameters with the restoration of the architectural integrities of the liver and kidney of the treated rats.