Effect of colchicine on chromosome number, morphological character and ß-carotene production of Amaranthus tricolor’s red giti cultivar




Abstract. Arindyaswari A, Etikawati N, Suratman. 2021. Effect of colchicine on chromosome number, morphological character and ß-carotene production of Amaranthus tricolor’s red giti cultivar. Cell Biol Dev 5: 18-24. Amaranthus tricolor L. (bayam cabut or pulled spinach) is a vegetable consisting of ß-carotene, which acts as an antioxidant. Therefore, amaranths have potential as a functional food. ß-carotene production in a plant can be enhanced with mutation, one of which is mutation induction with colchicine. The aim of this research was to understand the effect of colchicine on chromosome number, morphological character and production of ß-carotene in A. tricolor of red giti cultivar and to find out which variation of treatment was optimum for producing polyploidy. This research was expected to give information about colchicine induced in amaranths, which had higher nutritional aspects and quality to be consumed. Amaranths seeds with colchicine treatment were done with various concentrations (0, 50, 100, 200, 500) ppm with soaking time variation of 6 and 12 hours, and then planted up to 40 days later. The number of chromosomes was analyzed by making preparation using the squash method, then observed under a microscope. Morphological characters were observed by measuring leaf length and width, stem diameter, and plant height. ß-carotene content was analyzed using a UV-Vis spectrophotometer with a wavelength of 450 nm. Data on leaf size, stem diameter, plant height, chromosome number, and ß-carotene content were analyzed using a one-way Analysis of Variance (ANOVA). The results obtained were amaranths with the treatment of concentration 50 ppm with 6 hours soaked in colchicine and concentration 100 ppm with 12 hours soaked in colchicine showed significant changes to the induction of colchicine, which had a polyploidy character with several 3n = 51. Amaranths with the treatment of concentration 100 ppm with 12 hours soaked in colchicine solution were more effective in increasing the size of length, width of amaranths leaf, stem diameter, and stem height, while treatment of concentration 50 ppm with 6 hours soaked in colchicine solution was effective in increasing ß-carotene production up to 908,40±116,800 mg/kg. Statistical analysis of each morphological character and ß-carotene production of colchicine-induced amaranths shows significant results.



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