Study of seed maturity level and duration of immersion in auxin solution on growth of Anthurium hookeri seedlings




Abstract. Prihandono S, Haryanto ET, Pujiasmanto B. 2020. Study of seed maturity level and duration of immersion in auxin solution on growth of Anthurium hookeri seedlings. Cell Biol Dev 4: 64-70. Anthurium is one of the favorite indoor potted plants to decorate the room. One type of anthurium is Anthurium hookeri Kunth. The problem in anthurium cultivation is very slow plant growth. This study aimed to study the effect of seed maturity level and duration of immersion in auxin solution on the growth of A. hookeri seedlings. This study used a completely randomized design arranged in a factorial manner and consisted of two factors. The first factor is the level of maturity of the seeds (seeds aged 1-3 days after harvest, seeds aged 4-6 days after harvest, and seeds aged 7-9 days after harvest). The second factor was the duration of immersion (without soaking in the IAA solution, soaking for 15 minutes in the IAA solution, soaking for 30 minutes in the IAA solution, and soaking for 45 minutes in the IAA solution). The variables observed were germination variables (moisture content of seeds at harvest, germination fastness, germination potency, germination value, and germination unison) and growth variables (root length, seedling height, number of leaves, and leaf length). The data obtained on the germination variable were analyzed descriptively. In contrast, the data obtained on the growth variable was analyzed by the F test at the 5% level. If there was a significant difference, it was continued using Duncan's Multiple Distance Test (DMRT) at the 5% level. The results showed that on the germination variable, treatment of 1-3 days old seeds and soaking in IAA solution for 30 minutes gave better results than other treatments. Seed age treatment did not affect all growth variables except the number of leaves. The immersion treatment in the IAA solution only affected the number of leaves and did not affect other growth variables. There was an interaction between the treatment of seed age and immersion in the IAA solution on the variable of the number of leaves.

