Growth inhibitory effect of Conocarpus lancifolius plant aqueous extract on Fusarium oxysporum causal agent of wilt in some crops




Abstract. Elshair MASA, Mohamed IS. 2019. Growth inhibitory effect of Conocarpus lancifolius plant aqueous extract on Fusarium oxysporum causal agent of wilt in some crops. Cell Biol Dev 3: 81-85. Fusarium oxysporum affects a wide variety of different ages tomatoes, tobacco, legumes, cucurbits, sweet potatoes, chickpea and Banana. The present investigation was undertaken to study the effect of Damas (Conocarpus lancifolius Engl.) plant parts (leaves, fruits, barks, and roots) aqueous extracts and fungicide Score (250 EC) on the growth of the fungus F. oxysporum, the causal agent of wilt disease in crops. Three concentrations of aqueous leaves, fruits, barks, and roots extract of C. lancifolius, each of 25, 50, and 100%, and fungicide was used in addition to control. The assessment of their inhibitory effect against the pathogen was recorded through the fungal growth. The results showed that all concentrations of the leaves, fruits, barks, and roots aqueous extracts C. lancifolius plant tested and fungicide showed significant inhibitory effect against the linear growth of F. oxysporum compared to control. Moreover, the concentration of each aqueous extract reacted differently against F. oxysporum. However, the highest concentration of the C. lancifolius extracts (100%) gave significantly higher inhibition zone percentages (75.5%, 68%, 66%, and 50%) than the untreated control. Among the C. lancifolius parts, extracts screened from the fruit (75.5) were more effective in suppressing the fungus growth than its equivalent other parts. The results showed that the antifungal activity increased with the extract concentration. The fungus F. oxysporum differs in its response to the different concentrations, but on the whole, growth inhibition increased with the concentration. The current results were considered promising and encouraging to carry out a phytochemical analysis of different parts of C. lancifolius plant using different solvents to determine the bioactive ingredient in each of these parts.



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