Inhibitory efficacy of selected botanical, microbial and synthetic pesticides against Colletotrichum alatae, causing water yam anthracnose disease




Abstract. Ndifon EM. 2023. Inhibitory efficacy of selected botanical, microbial and synthetic pesticides against Colletotrichum alatae, causing water yam anthracnose disease. Cell Biol Dev 7: 41-46. Yam (Dioscorea spp.) ranks first followed by cassava and sweet potato among root and tuber crops in sub-Sahara Africa. However, yam production is constrained mainly by diseases caused by fungi, bacteria, and nematodes. The aim of this research was to propose some practicable botanical, chemical, and biocontrol measures appropriate to the management of Colletotrichum alatae, causing tuber rot disease in water yam. All the experiments were conducted using a completely randomized design. The results revealed that Carbendazim+Mancozeb (50% concentration), Mancozeb+Cu(I)O+Metalaxyl (100% concentration), and Mancozeb (100% concentration) significantly (P?0.05) inhibited the pathogen compared to the other treatments. Trichoderma harzianum isolate AIM16 showed significantly (P?0.05) better inhibition of C. alatae. T. harzianum isolate NSBM, T. harzianum isolate BGMZ4, and T. harzianum isolate AIM3 were significantly (P?0.05) better that the control. Extract of Eucalyptus globulus L. (100% concentration) showed the best inhibitory ability and was significantly different (P?0.05) from other treatments, followed by E. globulus (50%), Guieria senegalensis JF Gmel. (100%), Bauhinia purpurea L. (100%), Cymbopogon citratus (D.C.) Stapf. (100%). A 50% concentration of Guieria, Bauhinia, and Cymbopogon species also effectively controlled the pathogen. All plant extracts inhibited C. alatae significantly (P?0.05) more than the control. It was concluded that C. alatae can be successfully managed using any of the three strategies.



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