Effects of cutting source and IBA concentration on shooting and rooting ability of Pouteria adolfi-friederici stem cuttings at polypropagator




Abstract. Bahru T, Derero A. 2023. Effects of cutting source and IBA concentration on shooting and rooting ability of Pouteria adolfi-friederici stem cuttings at polypropagator. Cell Biol Dev 7: 56-66. Pouteria adolfi-friederici (Engl.) Baehni is an indigenous tree species extensively exploited for high-quality timber. Limited availability of seeds, intensive seed predation and recalcitrant seeds are bottlenecks for growing the tree species. Therefore, the present study aimed to evaluate the effect of cutting source and Indole-3-Butyric Acid (IBA) concentration on vegetative propagation of the species at a non-mist polypropagator. A total of 160 stem cuttings comprising four treatments (seedling cuttings + 0.2% IBA dose, seedling cuttings + 0.4% IBA dose, branch cuttings + 0.2% IBA dose and branch cuttings + 0.4% IBA dose) established using a completely randomized design for 180 days. The survival rate, rooting response, number of leaves/or buds, root number, and root length per rooted cuttings of seedling cuttings treated with 0.2% were significantly (p<0.01) the highest. Consequently, 70% of shooting and rooting success and higher mean root length (1.97+1.92 cm) were induced by seedling cuttings treated with 0.2% IBA concentration. In conclusion, seedling cuttings treated with 0.2% IBA concentration are more promising for vegetative propagation at a non-mist polypropagator. Hence, establishing mother stocks in nurseries and their proper management to serve as sources of juvenile stems will be essential for the successful macro-propagation of the species besides growing the species with seeds.



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