Effects of light intensity on seed germination and early growth seedlings of Spondias mombin in Bangladesh




Abstract. Das N. 2023. Effects of light intensity on seed germination and early growth seedlings of Spondias mombin in Bangladesh. Cell Biol Dev 7: 82-88. The experiment was conducted to determine the effects of light intensity on the seed germination and early growth of Spondias mombin L. under four light-intensity treatments (40%, 60%, 100%, and under a closed natural forest canopy) in polybags containing a mixture of topsoil and cow dung in a 3:1 ratio. The results showed that the closed natural forest canopy and 100% light intensity treatments resulted in unsatisfactory germination of S. mombin seeds. The 40% light intensity treatment (medium shading) significantly increased seed germination, with the highest cumulative seed germination at 40% light intensity (71.61%) and the lowest at 100% light intensity (26.58%). Intense light delayed germination. Light intensity significantly (P ?0.05) affected most of the morphological and physiological parameters of the seedling early growth. The early growth phase of seedlings did not perform well under heavy shade, indicating that S. mombin requires shading during early growth. Seedlings under 100% light intensity died shortly after emergence. The findings demonstrated that the best growth and most stable seedlings were obtained under 60% light intensity. Therefore, adequate exposure to light at the nursery stage is necessary for the optimum growth performance of S. mombin seedlings for agroforestry and afforestation purposes in Bangladesh.



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