Growth of vanilla (Vanilla planifolia) roots in different internodes of stem cuttings with NAA (Naphthaleneacetic Acid) treatments




Abstract. Mudyantini W, Huda YN, Pitoyo A. 2024. Growth of vanilla (Vanilla planifolia) roots in different internodes of stem cuttings with NAA (Naphthaleneacetic Acid) treatments. Cell Biol Dev 8: 19-27. Vanilla (Vanilla planifolia Andrews) is a plantation commodity with high economic value. Unstable production of vanilla pods causes a decrease in vanilla pod exports. One of the obstacles is the limited availability of seeds. This study aims to determine the effect of combining two treatments on root growth in vanilla stem cuttings. The first treatment was a variation of NAA concentrations of 0, 50, 100, and 150 ppm. The second treatment was the cuttings' age on the third, fifth, and seventh nodes of vanilla stem cuttings. The planting material was soaked in a solution of NAA hormone and was carried out 3 repetitions for 60 minutes. Cuttings were planted in the growing medium for 90 days. The research parameters measured were root emergence time, first root length, number of root branches, first root diameter, root branch length, number of leaves, and shoot height. The results showed that soaking vanilla cuttings with an NAA concentration of 150 ppm accelerated root emergence and increased primary root length. The seventh node of the vanilla cuttings soaked in 150 ppm of NAA hormone solution was the best combination for the time of root emergence and root length, while the fifth node without being soaked in NAA hormone solution was the best combination for shoot height and the number of leaves. Soaking vanilla cuttings with NAA hormone solution did not affect increasing root diameter, number of roots, and length of root branches.



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