Distribution and types of microplastics on the coast of Aipiri and Andai Beaches, Manokwari District, Indonesia




Abstract. Embulaba O, Kolibongso D, Tapilatu RF, Saleh F, Bawole R. 2022. Distribution and types of microplastics on the coast of Aipiri and Andai Beaches, Manokwari District, Indonesia. Indo Pac J Ocean Life 6: 10-16. Plastic waste enters the marine environment in various sizes, from micrometers to millimeters. The composition and occurrence of microplastics were investigated on the Manokwari coast (Manokwari District, Indonesia) from two different beaches in terms of intensity of exploitation and exposure to various activities such as urbanization, ports, tourism, and morphological characteristics of the coast. The average abundance of microplastics was between 0.001 to 0.041 items/gram of dry sediment. Fragments and fibers are the two types of microplastics found to dominate. On the other hand, there was no substantial difference in the abundance of microplastics found on unexposed beaches with other beaches. Our results show that coastal morphology with gentle slopes with high tide limits tends to have a 'better' potential for accumulating microplastics on the beach. However, the accumulation of microplastic types is also primarily determined by the characteristics possessed by microplastics. Therefore, it causes spatial and temporal variability in the composition of microplastics found on the coast.



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