Conservation-based ecotourism development at Pasir Putih Prigi Beach, Trenggalek District, East Java, Indonesia




Abstract. Sulistyaningrum N, Kurniawati B, Nugroho GD, Sunarto, Kusumaningrum L, Sujarta P, Nisyawati, Thenya T, Setyawan AD. 2022. Conservation-based ecotourism development at Pasir Putih Prigi Beach, Trenggalek District, East Java, Indonesia. Indo Pac J Ocean Life 6: 29-35. One of the contributors to state revenue is the tourism sector. To advance the tourism sector, the government has begun to develop tourism based on sustainable tourism. Sustainable tourism is useful for helping nature conservation efforts. Moreover, creating sustainable tourism, it can be done by creating ecotourism. This research was conducted in June 2022 with 50 respondents around the research location. Respondents aged 20-70 years consisted of traders, homemakers, fishermen, and Pasir Putih Prigi Beach management staff. This study examines conservation and ecotourism efforts by the community around Pasir Putih Prigi Beach and social perceptions of ecotourism. Several aspects studied in the Pasir Putih Prigi Beach conservation efforts include protection, preservation, utilization, and public perceptions of Pasir Putih Prigi Beach ecotourism. The study results show that protection employs local wisdom called Larung Sembonyo, a form of gratitude for the fishing community for the marine products that have been obtained. This ceremony is also a request for the safety of the fishing community when looking for fish in the sea. Preservation by regularly cleaning the beach while utilizing the beach as a recreation and trade center improves the community's economy. Recreation offered at the beach is swimming, boat rides, snorkeling, and deep diving. More than 90% of the coastal communities of Pasir Putih Prigi Beach do not understand the concept of ecotourism. People think that ecotourism is the same as tourism in general. Ecotourism conservation and development efforts are carried out by the Tourism and Culture Office of Trenggalek District through the TIU of Tourism Destinations with the community groups. Cooperation between the government and the community will increase coastal conservation and the economic benefits the community receives.



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