Influence of co-management on marine resources sustainability in Shimoni and Wasini areas, Kenya




Abstract. Ogada AA, Mwaguni S. 2019. Influence of co-management on marine resources sustainability in Shimoni and Wasini areas, Kenya. Ocean Life 3: 65-73. The research investigated the influence of the co-management of marine resources for sustainable development. Comanagement is proposed as the ideal tool for sustainable management of marine resources and ensuring stakeholders are involved in decision-making and managing their resources. The study was undertaken to generate knowledge on the influence of co-management on sustainable marine resources; the study area chosen had some background in co-management before. The study was conducted through a survey research design using questionnaires, semi-structured questionnaires, interviews, and focus group discussions, with a sample size of 145 respondents. The collected data was coded using SPSS 19 for analysis, including; presenting simple percentages, frequencies, and cross-tabs. In addition, chi-square was used to test the hypotheses. The study's results focused on co-management variables: institutional design, community participation, and socio-ecological dynamics. The results showed that 95% of the respondents perceived the co-management institutional design as adequate. Community participation is a key factor of co-management, which was proven right with 82.5%. There is the agreement that communities' roles in co-management were clearly defined and involved in the decision-making process. Moreover, 92.5% of the respondents said that IK is valuable and was not only applied in co-management but also effective in its application. In conclusion, the study shows that co-management positively influences conservation and community members' well-being. Therefore the researcher concluded that co-management is an adequate tool for planning and sustainable management of marine resources. However, it was recommended that improved intergovernmental and interagency partnerships are needed to address cross-cutting and emerging issues in co-management.



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