Thermal tolerance, density, and distribution of mangrove crabs, Perisesarma guttatum and Uca urvillei at Gazi Bay, Kenya




Abstract. Kipyegon JK, Obudho PA, Kairo JG. 2019. Thermal tolerance, density, and distribution of mangrove crabs, Perisesarma guttatum and Uca urvillei at Gazi Bay, Kenya. Indo Pac J Ocean Life 3: 38-50. Mangrove crabs are fundamental for the viability of mangrove forests. Therefore, the effects of climate change can impact mangrove ecosystems. The aim of this study was to determine the thermal tolerance, density, and distribution of the mangrove crabs Perisesarma guttatum (A.Milne-Edwards, 1869) and Uca urvillei (H.Milne Edwards, 1852) within Gazi Bay, Kenya. Field activities included collecting data on the density and distribution of the two crab species and environmental variables in the Rhizophora mucronata Lam., Ceriops tagal (Perr.) C.B.Rob. and Avicennia marina (Forssk.) Vierh. monospecific stands. The crabs were maintained at temperatures between 17-37°C in the laboratory, and respiration rate measurements were performed in closed chamber systems after the crabs were acclimated for 8 hours at a temperature of 27°C. The results indicate the temperature ranges for P. guttatum and U. urvillei adult crabs were 27-31°C and 27-33°C, respectively, beyond which the crabs got stressed as indicated by increased metabolism. Findings suggest that P. guttatum is more sensitive to temperature variation than U. urvillei. At the highest average densities of U. urvillei and P. guttatum crabs were recorded at 66.25±7.7/m² and 11.75±4.1/m², respectively, in the R. mucronata zone. The densities of U. urvillei and P. guttatum were strongly related to the temperature, fine sand, and organic matter using stepwise regression analysis (P<0.05). This study has increased the understanding of mangrove crab populations' physiological responses and possible distribution patterns to the expected impacts of climate change on these species.



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