Enabling conditions toward the rehabilitation and preservation of mangrove ecosystem in Sampang, Madura Island, Indonesia
Abstract. Aftsari I, Pramono CL, Alyodya DA, Nurwulandari M, Sujarta P, Dadiono MS, Yap CK, Setyawan AD. 2024. Enabling conditions for the rehabilitation and preservation of mangrove ecosystem in Sampang, Madura Island, Indonesia. Indo Pac J Ocean Life 8: 1-9. Mangroves are a very productive ecosystem that is important to the environment and human welfare. Rehabilitation activities need to be carried out to restore mangrove forests that have experienced degradation. In doing so, local communities have an important role because their involvement can minimize human disturbance and realize sustainable mangrove management. This research aims to determine the circumstances that can facilitate or prohibit local communities in the rehabilitation of mangrove forests in Sampang District, Madura Island, East Java Province, Indonesia. This research was conducted in two villages in Sampang District, i.e.: Taddan and Gulbung in December 2023 using two methods, namely remote sensing analysis to determine changes in mangrove cover from 2008 to 2023 and in-depth interviews to determine the role and strategies of the community in mangrove rehabilitation. The remote sensing analysis shows significant increase in mangroves in Taddan Village from 54.7757 ha in 2008 to 101.718 ha in 2023 (+46.9422 ha). During the same period, mangroves in Gulbung Village increased from 21.6928 ha to 30.6723 ha (+8.9795 ha), although there was a decreasing trend during the period of 2013-2023. There is a difference in situation between the two villages, where in Taddan there are rehabilitation and conservation activities, increasing mangroves, while in Gulbung some mangroves have been converted into salt ponds, especially during the last decade. The results of the interviews revealed that public knowledge and awareness regarding the benefits and importance of mangrove management are still low. We also found that the facilitation from governments and the formation of community groups might enable the preservation and rehabilitation of mangrove forests.