Analysis of mangrove forest ecosystem sustainable management by coastal communities in Sampang District, Madura Island, Indonesia
Abstract. Koesdaryanto NSR, Wijayanti M, Simanjuntak MPD, Fathoni MFM, Sulton MN, Lillo EP, Setyawan AD. 2024. Analysis of mangrove forest ecosystem sustainable management by coastal communities in Sampang District, Madura Island, Indonesia. Indo Pac J Ocean Life 8: 33-42. The mangrove forest ecosystem is important in a coastal area to improve the welfare of coastal villages and increase the productivity of coastal ecosystems. This ecosystem has indicators of sustainability efforts, including ecological, economic, and social dimensions. This study aims to determine the sustainability status of mangrove forest ecosystems and compile recommendations in Taddan and Aeng Sareh Villages, Sampang Sub-district, Sampang District, East Java, Indonesia. This research and data collection was carried out in December 2023. The methods used in data collection are interview techniques and questionnaire distribution. The primary data is processed with the Multidimensional Scaling (MDS) method through Rapid Appraisal for Fisheries (Rapfish), which displays Monte Carlo analysis, and the data results are aligned with previous literature studies. The results of the analysis showed that the sustainability index of mangrove ecosystem management in the two villages was included in the less sustainable category, including ecological dimensions (sustainability index of Taddan and Aeng Sareh Villages respectively namely 62.88 and 21.05), economic (sustainability index of Taddan and Aeng Sareh Villages respectively 35.78 and 40.14), and social (sustainability index of Taddan and Aeng Sareh Villages respectively 42.94 and 39.51). Alternative strategy recommendations that can be applied for sustainable mangrove ecosystem management in Taddan and Aeng Sareh Villages, Sampang, are improving coordination between stakeholders, making patented regulations, training on creativity and productivity of village communities, formulating mangrove ecosystem management programs, routinely carrying out rehabilitation efforts, and increasing awareness from researchers.