Review: The nutritional value and health benefits of kawakawa (Euthynnus affinis)




Abstract. Rahma HS, Ayuningtyas HR, Nabila I, Annafi DN, Nurwulandari M, Indrawan M, Dadiono MS, MD Naim D, Setyawan AD. 2024. Review: The nutritional value and health benefits of kawakawa (Euthynnus affinis). Indo Pac J Ocean Life 8: 72-83. Kawakawa (Tuna), or Euthynnus affinis (Cantor, 1849), is a species of pelagic fish of the Scombridae family with a vast habitat and distribution in tropical and subtropical waters in the Indo-Pacific region. This literature review aims to provide an understanding of the habitat, morphological characteristics, nutritional content, and benefits of kawakawa for health. Kawakawa prefer warm waters with a temperature of 20-30°C. As a pelagic fish, kawakawa spends most of its life in the open water column and away from the seabed. Kawakawa morphologically has unique characteristics, namely oblique and curved black stripes on the ribs and the presence of a pattern of black stripes between the abdomen and fins. This fish can grow to a maximum weight of 14 kg and a maximum fork length (FL) of 100 cm. The nutritional content of kawakawa is diverse, and it includes protein, omega-3, omega-6, selenium, vitamin D, and DHA. The protein content of kawakawa ranges from 20 to 25%, with 0.87% fat, which is lower than that of other fish species. With its high protein, low fat, and strong omega-3 fatty acid profile, kawakawa has a high overall nutritional value, making it a nutrient-dense food choice. The nutritional content in kawakawa has health benefits, namely preventing stunting, reducing heart risk, preventing cancer, maintaining eye health, increasing body immunity, preventing anemia, and maintaining bone health.



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