Tide pools diversity in Bojonglarang-Jayanti Nature Reserve, West Java, Indonesia




Pribadi TWK, Kanza AA. 2017. Tide pools diversity in Bojonglarang-Jayanti Nature Reserve, West Java, Indonesia. Ocean Life 1: 43-48. Tide pools are micro-ecosystem in the intertidal zone, which have unique characteristics such as extreme water temperature range. Organisms living in it can survive by adapting to these extreme conditions. Study on community structure of macroinvertebrate in tide pools and along with the influencing environmental conditions has been carried out to observe species that can survive in such extreme conditions. Quantitatively, descriptive study on biotic and abiotic parameters was done by observing the tide pools, which passed 500-meter transect line parallel to the shoreline. Analyses of the biotic parameters included varied species, dominant species, species richness, species diversity index, dominance index, important value index, and macroalgal coverage. The observed abiotic parameters comprised water and air temperature, light intensities, conductivity, salinity, depth of tide pools in low tide conditions, extensive of tide pools, pH, and DO (Dissolved Oxygen). Results in physical parameter measurements showed that the water temperature, light intensity, and conductivity were at the high category, while air temperature, salinity, and depth of water were in the normal category. The results showed 31 species of macroinvertebrate of 21 families and 6 classes, with the highest relative abundance on Ophionereis dubia by 0.56. Macroalgal was dominated by Sargassum polycystum with 7.62% coverage. Species Diversity Index of macroinvertebrate was 2.53, with Dominance Index 0.85. These indexes indicated the dominance of particular macroinvertebrate species, which have the tendency to be adaptive to extreme water temperature range.



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