Variable PSII functioning and bleaching conditions of tropical scleractinian corals pre-and post-bleaching event




Abstract. Mattan-Moorgawa S, Rughooputh SDDV, Bhagooli R. 2018. Variable PSII functioning and bleaching conditions of tropical scleractinian corals pre-and post-bleaching event. Ocean Life 1: 1-10. This study compared pre-bleaching and post-bleaching conditions of eight reef-building corals, Acropora cytherea, Acropora hyacynthus, Acropora muricata, Acropora sp., Pocillopora damicornis, Pocillopora eydouxi, Galaxea fascicularis and Fungia sp., in terms of visual coloration (non-bleached (NB), pale (P), partially bleached (PB) and bleached (B)) and chlorophyll fluorescence yield at photosystem II (PSII)). A total of twenty colonies from twelve stations along four transects were surveyed at Belle-Mare, Mauritius, from October 2008 to October 2009, and compared to the CoralWatch Coral Health Chart. PSII functioning, measured as Fv/Fm, were recorded in coral samples using a pulse-amplitude-modulated (PAM) fluorometer. Physico-chemical parameters (sea surface temperature, dissolved oxygen, salinity and pH) were recorded in situ. An increase in SST up to 31.4ºC in February 2009 triggered the bleaching event observed in May 2009 at the site. Acroporids showed the first sign of bleaching and paling as from January 2009 when mean SST was at 30ºC. Branching coral (P. eydouxi) and solitary coral (Fungia sp.) exhibited only 15% of their colonies showing paling by April 2009. A. cytherea, A. hyacynthus, and A. muricata showed varying bleaching conditions [Pale (P), Partially-bleached (PB) and Bleached (B)] at onset of the bleaching event whilst Acropora sp. showed only a paling of its colonies. Post-bleaching data indicated a differential recovery in visual coloration and PSII functioning among the corals. P. eydouxi and Fungia sp. showed no bleaching conditions throughout the study. P. damicornis and G. fascicularis indicated a quick coloration recovery from P to NB after the bleaching event, although their maximum quantum yield at PSII did not show significant changes in P and NB samples. A. muricata recovered faster than A. hyacynthus and A. cytherea in terms of PSII functioning. A differential recovery was observed post-bleaching event among the eight coral species, in terms of recovery of color and PSII functioning. The order of recovery was as follows: massive-like/ solitary corals > branching and semi-bulbous corals > tabular corals.



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