Isolation and 16S rRNA characterization of culturable bacteria derived from fire coral Millepora intricata in Morela Coastal Waters, Maluku, Indonesia




Abstract. Agung MUK, Khairunnisa N, Astuty S, Lewaru MW, Mulyani Y. 2021. Isolation and 16S rRNA characterization of culturable bacteria derived from fire coral Millepora intricata in Morela Coastal Waters, Maluku, Indonesia. Indo Pac J Ocean Life 5: 1-7. Millepora, well recognized as fire coral, has nematocytes that contain toxins as self-defense, allowing the associated bacteria to have a high level of adaptation to survive in this extreme environment. This research aims to isolate and characterize fire corals Millepora intricata-associated bacteria obtained from Morela coastal waters, Maluku, Indonesia using classical culture method. Sampling of M. intricata was carried out in August 2017 from a depth of 2-3 meters. The bacteria were grown in sea water-Nutrient Agar (NA) medium, streak plate method then used until pure isolates were obtained. Molecular identification of isolates was performed using 16S rRNA gene marker. The results indicated that nine culturable pure isolates were successfully obtained from M. intricata. Three isolates (MI.P1.B; MI.P2.C; and MI.P2.D2.K) then further proceed into molecular identification and sequencing. Alignment result based on the 16S rRNA databases repositored in the genebank (NCBI) showed that isolate MI P1.B has similarity to registered sequence of Pseudoalteromonas arabiensis strain k53 (NCBI acc no. NR_113220.1) with a sequence identity of 98%. Isolate MI.P2.C has a close relationship (98%) to registered sequence of Halomonas aquamarina strain DSM 30161 (NCBI acc no. NR_042063.1). Meanwhile, isolate MI.P2.D2.K has similarity to the registered sequence of Halomonas zhanjiangensis strain JSM 078169 (NCBI acc no. NR_104283.1) with a sequence identity of 99%.



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