Pioneer assessment on megabenthic community suggest the recent ecological condition of coral reef in Senggigi Beach, Western Lombok Island, Indonesia
Abstract. Ghafari MIA, Fitrianti V. 2021. Pioneer assessment on megabenthic community suggests the recent ecological condition of coral reef in Senggigi Beach, Western Lombok Island, Indonesia. Indo Pac J Ocean Life 5: 14-21. Megabenthic communities are among the excellent bioindicator used nowadays. This study was the first to conduct in Senggigi Beach and provide preliminary useful information regarding the condition of coral reef ecosystem on-site, through assessing the megabenthic community from 2019-2020 to 202-2021. Benthos Belt Transect (BBT) method was used to collect data from 6 different observation sites. There are 3 groups of targeted megabenthic fauna assessed: the bioindicator group (sea urchin and blue starfish), the corallivorous group (drupella snail and crown-of-thorns starfish), and the commercially valued group (edible sea cucumber, giant clam, spiny lobster, and commercial top shells). Sea urchin was found to dominate all stations, indicating a decreasing live coral cover after bleaching. Presence of corallivorous megabenthos was very rare, as it is not a potential threat to corals. There is a trend of increasing density of edible sea cucumber and giant clam by 30% and 50% respectively, with a mass giant clam recruit in 2021. We suspect less or no impact of anthropogenic activity to megabenthic community dynamic in Senggigi Beach to date, but their community dynamic is purely influenced by the decline condition of coral reef ecosystem due to recent 2016 mass bleaching.