Application of artificial insemination with sexing sperm to increase cattle productivity in livestock
Gunawan M, Kaiin EM, Said S. 2015. Application of artificial insemination with sperm sexing to increase cattle productivity in traditional livestock. Pros Sem Nas Masy Biodiv Indon 1 (1): 93-96. Regarding the national demand for animal protein, about 70% of beef demand and only 30% of dairy consumption is supplied from local production, while the rest is imported. The biggest production of beef and milk is from traditional livestock which still needs improvement in productivity and genetic quality. This study was conducted in order to apply sperm sexing in artificial insemination for cattle. The sperm sexing used in the study is obtained from the collaboration of Research Center for Biotechnology-LIPI with Artificial Insemination Center (AIC) Lembang-West Java, AIC Tuah Sakato-West Sumatera and AIC Puca-South Sulawesi. Cattle productivity was examined based on reproduction efficiency of the female acceptors of artificial insemination (AI) using sexing sperm. Reproduction efficiency was measured based on Service per Conception (S/C) and Conception Rate (CR). The result showed that the average S/C value of X sperm was 1.53 and Y sperm was 1.54. The CR value of X sperm was 69.25% and Y sperm was 68.29%. Suitability of sperm sexing to the sex of the calves was 87.01% for X sperms (female) and 89.5% for Y sperms (male).