Assessment of fertilization technology on vegetative growth of five 10-year-old durian plant and five premium local durian varieties in East Kalimantan




Rizal M, Sudarwati S. 2015. Assessment of fertilization technology on vegetative growth of 10-year-old durian plant and five premium local durian varieties in East Kalimantan. Pros Sem Nas Masy Biodiv Indon 1 (2): 314-318. The purpose of this research is to give assess fertilization technology on vegetative growth of 10-year-old durian plant and five premium local durian varieties in East Kalimantan. The research was conducted with 3 cooperator farmers in Rapak Lembur Village, Tenggarong Sebrang District, Kutai Kartanegara, East Kalimantan. The experiment was started by setting 50x50x50cm-planting holes for five local varieties of durian and leaving the holes for 2 weeks. Then, 20kg of animal manure was added into each planting hole. Meanwhile, 10-year-old durian plants were fertilized using manure 100 kg/tree and Phonska 50 kg/tree and grouped based on treatment with EM4 and without EM4. Data was analyzed using Analysis of Variance, followed by Duncan analysis when F-value is significant. The result showed that the 5 durian varieties grew well 1 month after planting. Durian var. Aji kuning had the highest height (67.9 cm), followed by other varieties. Regarding stem diameter, Durian var. Mawar showed the biggest diameter (0.89 cm). While the 10-year-old plants from the farmers showed different characteristics. Fertilized plant in the EM-4 group showed height ranging 8.1-13.7 m, stem diameter 83-116 cm. A number of flowers was significantly different among the treatment group, 3,032 of flowers/tree in the with-EM-4 group and 2,468 of flowers/tree in the without-EM-4 group. Using fertilizer for 10-year-old durian and 5 premium local durian varieties can improve durian productivity in East Kalimantan.
