Cultivation technology of vegetable and medicinal plants in urban and rural area of Sustainable Home Food Region Program to support food security in East Kalimantan
Rizal M, Fiana Y. 2015. Cultivation technology of vegetable and medicinal plants in urban and rural areas of Sustainable Home Food Region program to support food security in East Kalimantan. Pros Sem Nas Masy Biodiv Indon 1 (2): 324-329. The Sustainable Home Food Region program (KRPL) is a home-based model of yard optimization to support food security. This program is designed to maximize house yard as an area for home-based aquaculture, poultry farms, horticulture, alternative food crops and medicinal plants (know as TOGA). This research was conducted in a region of KRPL, in the urban area of Sepinggan Baru, specifically military barrack Wirayudha IV, and in a rural are of Lamaru village, Balikpapan city, East Kalimantan, since 2012. The experiment was done by implementing cultivation technology of vegetable and medicinal plants in the poly-culture system, namely intercropping and relay cropping. This program was participated by 30 households with various levels of home garden (I-III) and it was dominated by level I and II. The result showed that each participating family was able to save expenses ranging from Rp. 100,000,- to Rp. 200,000,-. Additionally, the families also obtain another benefit which is an increase in vegetable consumption, improving family health and green environment.