Diversification of mangrove fruit-based products as an alternative food source in Toroseaje coastal communities, Pohuwato District, Gorontalo
Baderan DWK, Hamidun MS, Lamangandjo C, Retnowati Y. 2015. Diversification of mangrove fruit-based products as an alternative food source in Toroseaje coastal communities, Pohuwato District, Gorontalo. Pros Sem Nas Masy Biodiv Indon 1 (2): 347- 351. Mangrove forests in the Toroseaje coastal area serving as a buffer zone of Tomini Bay is continuously pressured by anthropogenic activities beyond its carrying capacity. Mangrove forest is ecologically important, as it serves as foraging/feeding ground, spawning ground, and breeding/nursery grounds of fishes, shrimps and other marine organisms which many of them are economically important species. Human may also benefits from mangrove forests as it produces fruits that can be utilized as alternative food sources replacing rice. The nationally popular consumption rice has been overrunning potential use of local food resources, such mangrove fruits. Coastal communities in Toroseaje have not been aware that mangrove fruits can be processed into a variety of food. The development of mangrove fruit-based food is aimed to diversify food sources of Toroseaje communities, relieving the community from the heavy dependence of rice. Field and literature survey with a qualitative approach was conducted to collect primary and secondary data. The study highlights six superior mangrove fruits-based products, namely pia apapi, dodol munto, sweet munto stick, salty munto stick, soneratia crackers and munto flour. There are also three additional products made from mangrove fuits, namely munto cake, munto jelly, and kacang keong munto. Those nine products were made from three mangrove species Avicennia alba (apapi), Bruguiera gymnorrhiza (Munto), and Sonneratia alba.