Structure and composition of broad canopy privateforest in South Sulawesi




Suryanto H, Suryawan A. 2015. Structure and composition of broad canopy private forest in South Sulawesi. Pros Sem Nas Masy Biodiv Indon 1: 574-580. Land resources and climate are widely varied in South Sulawesi. The diversity of climate types between regions indicates that South Sulawesi has great potency for the development of various types of private forests. The most important thing in the management strategy is an understanding of the characteristics of private forests. The aim of the study was to determine the characteristics of composition and structure of private forestry in South Sulawesi. The experiment was conducted at four locations of private forests, namely: broad crown forest type with hazelnut plant species in Maros and Barru districts and teak plant species in Sidrap and Soppengdistricts. This research was conducted using the description pattern, plant spacing and components of each private forests which were then depicted in profile architecture of stands. The results showed that the hazelnut private forest could be found in some of cropping patterns i.e.(i) regularly, with the hazelnut plant canopies are in top stratum, apulai canopies on middle stratum and kirinyu (Chromolaena odorata), senggani (Melastoma candidum) dan tembelekan (Lantana camara), at the under layer, (ii) irregular, where the hazelnut canopy was in top stratum; ketapang,palm sugar, and cinnamoncanopieswere in the middle stratum, while the lower stratum were kecombrang, forest shrubs and tembelekan. There were no hedge cropping patterns on hazelnut forest community. Teak plants can be found in some cropping pattern i.e.(i) regularly, the top stratum was teak canopy, middle stratum was forest plants, while the underlayer stratum was kirinyu and tembelekan plants, (ii) regularly, the top stratum was teak canopy, the middle stratum was mango canopy and the lower stratum was weed (Centrosema) and pineapple.
