The importance of integrated approach in the conservation of species diversity and genetic resources ofdamar mata kucing in Pesisir Barat District, Lampung




Hadiyan Y. 2015. The importance of integrated approach in conserving the biodiversity and genetic resources of dammar mata kucing in Pesisir Barat District, Lampung. Pros Sem Nas Masy Biodiv Indon 1: 702-706. Shorea javanica (damar mata kucing) is a tree species that producing a high-value resins which is widely used as raw material of paint industry, ink and beverage stabilizer. This species is widespread in repong damar (dammar agroforestry) in Pesisir Barat District, Lampung. Repong area and its biodiversity were now degraded due to many pressures. As the impact, the species biodiversity existence and genetic resources of damar mata kucing in the district was threatened. This paper contained an analysis of the problem that reduces the preservation of damar mata kucing and the integrated approach as an effort to protect the species biodiversity and the genetic resources of damar mata kucing in Pesisir Barat District. The analysis result showed that there were three problems which directly impact the acceleration of dammar degradation, i.e. (i) dammar logging, (ii) pest and disease attack and (iii) the conversion of repong damar into palm oil plantation, while 11 other problems that investigated as driving of degradation indirectly. The problems that identified were including some aspects involving ecology, economic, social, culture, policy and technical. Therefore, the integrated approach was needed to be done through the synergy collaboration from many stakeholders to reduce the rate of degradation on damar mata kucing.
