Comparison of species composition and diversity originating from soil seedbank on the disturbed and undisturbed regions by 2010 eruption in Mt. Merapi, Yogyakarta
Sutomo, Fardila D, Priyadi A. 2015. Comparison of species composition and diversity originating from soil seed bank on disturbed and undisturbed regions by 2010 eruption in Mt. Merapi, Yogyakarta. Pros Sem Nas Masy Biodiv Indon 1: 721-726. Merapi Mountain is one of most active volcanos in Indonesia, which is located in Java island.The frequently occurred eruption has a detrimental effect on vegetation in this area. However, there are some species which have the capability to regenerate, and seed bank is one of the alternatives mechanism to preserve them. This research aimed to investigate the species composition and diversity in seed bank at disturbed region by 2010 eruption (Kalikuning) compared to the undisturbed region (Kaliurang). Twelve (12) soil samples were collected randomly from each of the sites. The plot size was 20 cm x 20 cm x 5 cm. Soil condition measurements were temperature, moisture content, and pH. Subsequently, samples were put in a cloth bag and kept in a greenhouse for germination. Soil samples were sown in plastic pots/germination boxes holding 40 cm x 30 cm area and 2-2.5 cm depth. Plastic pots/ germinations boxes were placed randomly in the greenhouse and moisture content of the soil was adjusted by spraying water every 1-2 day(s). The analysis of result showed that there was a significant difference (RANOSIM = 0.622) in term of seed species composition between disturbed and undisturbed region. Species of Asteraceae family dominate the undisturbed region following by species from Poaceae while, at the disturbed region, Asteraceae, Fabaceae, Cyperaceae, and Poaceae exist almost equivalently. However, species diversity in seed bank was less at the disturbed region, occupying H’ index 1.59 compared to 1.64 in undisturbed counterpart