Population and potential of Ploiarium alternifolium (Theaceae) in the post fire peat forests of Kalampangan, Central Kalimantan
Subro IL. 2015. Population and potential of Ploiarium alternifolium (Theaceae) in the post fire peat forests of Kalampangan, Central Kalimantan. Pros Sem Nas Masy Biodiv Indon 1: 727-731. Indonesia has wetlands, include the largest peat swamp forests among the tropical countries, which is the size of about 21 million hectares and are scattered mainly in Kalimantan, Sumatra, and Papua. Most peatlands are still covered by forest and are habitats for many species of flora and fauna that is unique and rare. Fires in Kalimantan caused the damage and the extinction of some species of animals and plants that have not been known their existence and moreover their function for human life. Peat forest affected by the fire will soon regenerate and become secondary forest with the pioneering species such as Macaranga, Anthocephalus, Shorea, Dryobalanops, and Cratoxylum. This study aimed to determine the population and the existence of potential species which was done by the square plots and the exploratory method on the flowering and fruiting plants, and also the abundant species in the surrounding post-fire peat forests. Based on the analysis of data, population and distribution Ploiarium alternifolium was very abundant. This species was a source of local food that needs to be preserved, has the potential to be developed and used as the processed products in favoring of family food security.