The effectiveness of lecture method in training for the Field Guide Agents ICMFS of paddy, corn and soybean in Lebak District, Banten
Setyowati I, Kurniawati S. 2015. The effectiveness of lecture method in training for the Field Guide Agents ICMFS of paddy, corn, and soybean in Lebak District, Banten. Pros Sem Nas Masy Biodiv Indon 1: 796-799. The Field Guide Agents for Integrated Crop Management Field School (ICMFS) of paddy, corn, and soybean have a strategic role in the success of this program. Training for Field Guide Agents aimed to increase their competence. The training was carried out on 16 April 2012 used a lecture method. The purpose of this study was to determine the effectiveness of the training model using the lecture method on ICMFS of Field Guide Agents in Lebak District, Banten. The samples used 29 people from 32 populations of Field Guide Agents using a purposive sampling method. Pretest and posttest were given to determine the increase participants knowledge, and then the data were analyzed by non-parametric statistical analysis with Wilcoxon Match Pairs Test. The results showed that the value of Z count was -3.106 (absolute value) and Z count were 1.6 (on the error level of 5%). Therefore, the Z count was greater than Z table. This indicates that the training of ICMFS of paddy, corn and soybean Field Guide Agents using the lecture method in Lebak District was effective to improve the Field Guide Agents knowledge.