Syzygium along the Waranie River, Lappadata Hamlet, Mattirobulu Village, Libureng District, Bone Regency, South Sulawesi, Indonesia




Abstract. Mudiana D, Ariyanti EE. 2022. Syzygium along the Waranie River, Lappadata Hamlet, Mattirobulu Village, Libureng District, Bone Regency, South Sulawesi, Indonesia. Pros Sem Nas Masy Biodiv Indon 8: 127-135. Syzygium is a genus of the Myrtaceae family that has a large number of species and grows in various types of forest ecosystems. One of the areas in the Bone Regency area of South Sulawesi is the Forest Area located in Lappadata, Mattirobulu, Libureng District. The area is crossed by the Waranie River, which is a tributary of the Walanea River. This research was conducted on 11-30 July 2017 to inventory and describe the presence of Syzygium in its natural habitat along the Waranie River, Lappadata Forest. Data collection and analysis were carried out descriptively by taking an inventory of the presence of Syzygium as well as recording and documenting the condition of its natural habitat along the river. The results of the research activities carried out recorded that three Syzygium species were found growing along the Waranie River, generally found in shaded forest habitats around rivers. Local people generally call it by the name "jambu salo". The three species are "jambu salo" (Syzygium sp), "salompeng" (Syzygium polycephaloides (C.B. Robb.) Merr.), and "jambu salo merah" (Syzygium pycnanthum Merr. & L.M. Perry).


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