Public perception of plants potential for environmental remediation effort




Abstract. Afifudin AFM, Sari RP, Irawanto R. 2022. Public perception of plants potential for environmental remediation effort. Pros Sem Nas Masy Biodiv Indon 8: 142-147. Currently, environmental conditions in Indonesia are very vulnerable to pollution, both on land, water, and air. Meanwhile, many studies have revealed the potential of plants to absorb pollutants in the environment or phytoremediation. However, one of the main obstacles to this innovation's development is the lack of public understanding of the significance of preventing pollution in the environment. In order to better the environment, especially among academics, this study tries to investigate how the general public understands the potential of plants. This research uses a descriptive qualitative approach and is carried out by disseminating questions through Google Forms. The sampling of respondents was carried out by accidental sampling of 150 respondents. The findings revealed that 67% of respondents were unfamiliar with plants' potential to help the environment. Meanwhile, this possibility is of interest to 97% of responders. Therefore, greater efforts are required to educate the general public about how plants could enhance the environment.


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