Identification of Plants Invasive Species in Tanjung Puting National Park, Central Kalimantan.
Sunaryo, Girmansyah D. 2015. Identification of plants invasive species in Tanjung Puting National Park, Central Kalimantan. Pros Sem Nas Masy Biodiv Indon 1: 1034-1039. Observation on the spread of invasive alien plants species was executed in the four regions named Pondok Ambung, Camp Leakey, Pesalat, and Tanjung Harapan of the National Park of Tanjung Puting in Central Kalimantan from 13 to 22 May 2014. 31 invasive alien plants species from 12 families were identified successfully in those areas by the investigation. The identified species in Pondok Ambung were: Melastoma malabathricum (Melastomataceae), Rhodomyrtus tomentosa (Myrtaceae), Digitaria ternata (Poaceae), Imperata cylindrica (Poaceae), in Camp Leakey were: Cyperus eragrostis (Cyperaceae), Cyperus iria (Cyperaceae), Rhodomyrtus tomentosa (Myrtaceae), Brachiaria reptans (Poaceae), Eragrotis amabillis (Poaceae), Hymenachne amplexicaulis (Poaceae), Isachne globosa (Poaceae), Imperata cylindrica (Poaceae), in Pesalat were: Blumea cf paniculata (Compositae), Crassocephalum crepidioides (Compositae), Chamaesyce hirta (Compositae), Sida rhombifolia (Malvaceae), Rhodomyrtus tomentosa (Myrtaceae), Phyllanthus urinaria (Phylanthaceae), Centotheca lappacea (Poaceae), Echinochloa colona (Poaceae), Hedyotis auricularia (Rubiaceae), Hedyotis corymbosa (Rubiaceae), Hedyotis verticillata (Rubiaceae) and in Tanjung Harapan were: Cyperus difformis (Cyperaceae), Cyperus rotundus (Cyperaceae), Fimbristylis pauciflora (Poaceae), Hibiscus surattensis (Malvaceae), Rhodomyrtus tomentosa (Myrtaceae), Passiflora foetida (Passifloraceae), Chrysopogon aciculatus (Poaceae), Echinochloa colona (Poaceae), Isachne globosa (Poaceae), Ischaemum pycanthemum (Poaceae), Paspalum vaginatum (Poaceae).