Ex-situ conservation of some rare and critical plants species using in-vitro method in the Bali Botanic Garden
Warseno T. 2015. Ex-situ conservation of some rare and critical plants species using in-vitro method in the Bali Botanic Garden. Pros Sem Nas Masy Biodiv Indon 1: 1075-1082. Overexploitation, habitat destruction, degradation of environmental quality, and loss of the habitat with the conversion of natural habitats into residential and industrial areas have an impact on the scarcity of certain types of plants; it can even lead to extinction. Plant conservation should be done to protect them from extinction using both insitu and ex-situ. Bali Botanical Garden as an institution engaged in ex-situ conservation has made conservation programs and in-vitro propagation of various types of rare and critical plants. This paper provides information on the types of plants that have been conserved and propagated using in vitro method in Bali Botanical Garden, the prospects, and the challenges. Based on retrieval information and collected data obtained it can be reported that since 2009-2015 8 genera and 14 species of plants have been conserved and propagated in vitro in the plant conservation laboratory in Bali Botanical Garden. These are (Rhododdendron radians, R. macgregoriae, R. javanicum R. reinschianum), Orchidaceae (Bulbophyllum echinolabium, Dendrobium fimbriatum, Dendrobium spectabile, Dendrobium macrophyllum, Paphiopedilum javanicum, Araceae (Alocasia baginda, Alocasia sp. nov.). and fern (Dicksonia blumei, Lygodium circinnatum and Cyathea contaminans). The comparison among the types of plants that have been conserved using in vitro method, the total number of collections is still very low such as (1.64% (orchid), 1.64% (fern), 13.79% (Rhododendron), and 2, 17% ( Araceae)).