Integrated farming system in homegardens supporting for food security: A case study in Plukaran, Gembong, Pati District, Central Java




Oelviani R, Utomo B. 2015. Integrated farming system in home gardens supporting for food security: A case study in Plukaran, Gembong, Pati District, Central Java. Pros Sem Nas Masy Biodiv Indon 1: 1197-1202. Insecurity on family food remains a threat to the people of Indonesia. Development of an integrated farming system is one of the potentials to achieve family food endurance. This activity was carried out in the yard area owned by the group of Marga Kencana women farmers in the Gembong village, Plukaran district. A total of 25 farmers who have a yard area average between 50-150 m2 land where they mostly cultivate pamelo citrus trees and various vegetables such as cauliflower, celery, leeks, red peppers, tomatoes, and eggplant. Since 2013 until now the other side of the land has been used as for catfish’s pond, places for poultry farming (ducks and chickens), also a place for growing togas plants (kencur and ginger) intensively. The results showed that catfish had been produced three times the yard area as well as chickens i.e., 15 chickens were found from 5 chickens and produced five eggs per day. Therefore, this system has the additional benefit of family welfare and capability to achieve the sustainability of family food security.
